TFU literally only became a thing because everyone was whining that SWAT was virtually useless and big orgs were anally penetrating the entire police force at least 3 times a day. I guess it has done its intended purpose, which would be to make things slightly harder for big orgs, but effectively made it harder for virtually 80% of the player base to get away with so much as farting in the general direction of someones property.
The policies and how much they've changed from the transition of SWAT To TFU is whats bugging me. The fact that they can patrol in TFU Gear and perform standard police duties, such as traffic stops, is a massive pain in the arse. Being pulled over by a team of 3-6 armoured cops with assault rifles and bullet proof skulls is not only concerning for the individual being pulled over, but it is also impractical. Should a major firearms incident occur, then the officers will either have to delay there response time due to someone being a twit, or ditch the traffic stop completely.
If TFU are gonna be patrolling, the least they could do is store there rifles in there trunks unless needed like CPL+'s do with there shotguns. If an Lt isn't allowed to walk around with a shotgun on his back because it will be too spooky for civvies , then I don't see how a Senior officer in TFU is allowed to waltz around with an assault rifle to ticket an illegally parked car.