Here's for the terrible English...
So I suppose you all know why I got demoted and I'm not going to sugar coat it with me resigning because lets face it I'm not like that, right so first of all I'd like to thank Bolli and Moron for giving me the position after around 10 attempts it was a good experience but after these few weeks have passed little staff have came on and put me under pressure, as you may know some times I may not have been active due to family issues and generic problems.
Instead of looking at the bad past look at the good. Soon as I got Moderator I was a junkie on reports and did at least 300 for 5 weeks I was a fatty at reports soon enough got around 2500 of 3000 (Lockwood's mark)
Now here's to why I got demoted: gave people access to my forum account, what I did was stupid and you know that's the problems you got to face I suppose @Youseff , @Hayden ,@Mikey make something out of yourselves boys make people proud of you don't end up like me lads.
Now here's the people who actually mean allot to me and who have been here for me these weeks.
@MrLewis Yeah you was a nob for year 10 but who cares you're a really close friend and I love you to bits man

@MattIsMadForCod West Midlands represent! - Funny bloke see you soon buddy.

@Bean Can This guy is a joker I love Bean can I always invite him to my bases his just cute.
@Walker OG bloke from GG shame about your rank son

@Krinkles The real Bloom your jokes are too funny man and you know we'll keep talking

@ChewKokLong420 Funny guy, decent puns all around rating of 10.
@Moderation team, Thanks for leaving me on line for around 10 hours straight for little help really appreciate it and then moaning at my 300 report count.

@Bolli @MoronPipllyd You trusted me and funny enough a few months after I was a asperg about it and fucked up, thanks for the "you was a good mod though" keep in touch boys.

@SteyLex @Agent Green @D3luX Make sure you guys all make up to each other you all mean allot to me when basing in game just try and be friends again.

@Standish @Ben Lockwood I didn't want you to go in the army but its your choice, your two are lovely men see you soon bud.

@Creepis @John Daymon @Ash Funny blokes had fun at the end of summer saving for our Bugatti's and we had tons of jokes with Ash.
@Cole Never had the guts to apologise for what I did but here you are Sorry bud.
@Pear @Feng Yamaguchi @Loejseren - Great people and very funny blokes carry on the work lads.
If you haven't been mentioned its because I'm using the names off the top of my head.
The only one problem I have is the fact that everyone left me on my own in a consecutive number of days I tried asking for help and you all told me you was busy when you was playing other games but thank you for your help anyway good luck with your red and amber report counts

I'll still play so don't ask me for my 8 Million in cars.