We are a secretive, political, scientific and militaristic sub-branch of the American government.
Our objective is to prepare for a possibly impending nuclear war where the world as we know it would be irradicated.
The Enclave consists of three main divisions which all do different things.
Disclaimer: The military division is the actual organization, the other two are just for show/RP.
The political division of the Enclave will mostly only serve purpose when the nuclear winter occurs, untill then the political division serves almost no function.
It works much like the main government with it having a President aswell as a Congress, Senate, etc.

The scientific divison of the Enclave focuses on creating means of surviving high amounts of radiation aswell as effective armor driven by electricity.
These are pictures of some prototype technology that the science division is currently testing.
Power Armor Prototype

Electricity Canon (Codenamed: Tesla Beaton)

The military division of the Enclave is comprised of highly trained soldiers and commanders. As of now they utilize normal firearms and body armor since all of our tech is in early stages of development and not safe for field use.


Military Hierarchy
General: The highest commander of the Enclave, he has full power over all divisions let alone the military one.
Lieutenant General: If the General is unable to perform his duties the Lieutenant General will step in. He has the same powers as the General when in charge.
Colonel: The Colonels have control over the Captains supervising their respective squads.
Captain: Each Captain is assigned a squad which he will be the commander of. He may command the soldiers in his squad.
Sergeant: The Sergeants serve as the second commander for their respective squad, there is one Sergeant per squad.
Specialists: Specialists are First Class Privates who have showed an even more exceptional level of skill and loyalty.
Private First Class: First Class Privates are Privates who have that they are skilled, loyal and overall great Soldiers.
Privates: Privates are what give the army its numbers, they follow their squad leaders and superiors' orders to a fault.
Squads are there as a meassure to ,organize activities such as raids and bank heists. If for example we were raiding a subs house one squad may be dispatched at the back while Another one enters from the front.
Each squad consists of 4-10 soldiers, 3-8 of them follow the Sergeant and Captain's orders. These 4-8 soldiers are a mix of Privates, First Class Privates and Specialists. Then there is the Sergeant and the Captain who serve as the squad commanders.

Thanks Creepis
Dress Code
The dress code within the Enclave differs depending on which division you are placed in. Members of the political division should wear expensive suits. The scientific division have anything that resembles a white lab coat. And the military division has less expensive clothes, you wouldn't want to tear up your expensive suit on the field. Colonels, Lt. General and General are however allowed to wear expensive clothes like the Political Division.
Please refrain from having clothes colored in bright, vibrant colors like pink, light green, light blue, etc. It is allowed but do please refrain from it.
Rules and Regulations
In order for the Enclave to function properly there have to be a few rules which apply for all members. The breakage of these rules will result in a form of punishment which will be decided by the General, Second General and Colonel.
You are not allowed to cause harm to
an ally or a fellow member of the Enclave
You are not allowed to steal from an ally or a fellow member of the Enclave
You are not allowed to mug members of the public as we consider ourselves to be beyond that
In order for a raid to take place it must be authorized by a Sergeant or an above rank
You may not inform the public and or police of any questionable activities we partake in
You may not bring LEOs to our base in any circumstances, this includes not having life alerts in our bases
Allied Organizations
Neutral Organizations
Hostile Organizations
The B.U.G. Mafia
Enlist Today!

Note: Even though this is a serious organization we do accept and even encourage a bit of banter now and then, it just gets too stale otherwise.
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