The HitMan Messages 1,091 Reaction score 2,383 Points 1,045 Location United Kingdom, Hastings, East Sussex May 6, 2020 #41 @Jay_ Areas during combat tend to get blown apart anyway.
Generic Twat Messages 990 Reaction score 3,033 Points 340 Location Zagreb, Croatia May 6, 2020 #42 play bf5 purely because you can kill women. Those Stacy's deserve it for constantly falling for Chads!!! Incels rise up!
play bf5 purely because you can kill women. Those Stacy's deserve it for constantly falling for Chads!!! Incels rise up!
jay_ Messages 1,561 Reaction score 1,957 Points 825 Location Not Sweden May 6, 2020 #43 @The HitMan yes but even soldiers rarely end up shooting the foundations of the building just because they can
@The HitMan yes but even soldiers rarely end up shooting the foundations of the building just because they can
KeiwaM Messages 1,412 Reaction score 2,379 Points 865 Location Denmark May 6, 2020 #44 @Jay_ "teamwork". It's battlefield. It's a borderline call of duty run-and-gun. The fact that you think you can have teamwork on a public random server is kinda laughable.
@Jay_ "teamwork". It's battlefield. It's a borderline call of duty run-and-gun. The fact that you think you can have teamwork on a public random server is kinda laughable.
jay_ Messages 1,561 Reaction score 1,957 Points 825 Location Not Sweden May 6, 2020 #45 @KeiwaM just run up to it with c4 then