The PUBG explosion

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I still don't get why a game that has been out for less than a year has managed to castrate several player records, become one of the most streamed games, made people already predict weirdos dancing on CSGO's grave, and now has gotten SEEYAPIMP in it like Rising Storm 2.
Can anyone elaborate me as to why?
It's a fun game in some ways but also a terrible game in some ways, they put a lot of money into getting streamers to play it and get quite a lot of money from it. It's a hype that will eventually die out because it is not a concept of a game that lasts for a VERY long time
Just wait until it comes out on consoles, my whole school is hyped for it and I think many others are too...
It has the versatility and variety of a game like dota 2 with none of the skill required.
It's done something a lot of other companies have tried to create but never really done well. Although Battlegrounds does have a lot of flaws the base content sparked hope within a previous mind dead community and gives them something to be "hyped" for and support fully. When these players share their enthusiasm through twitch and YouTube it draws more players to the game and other people realize how great of a game it is and how amazing it could turn out to be.
Think of it this way, CS:GO somehow exploded because people were opening cases and showing off their super cool spraypainted guns and uploaded it to youtube, which brought a lot of people in the PC gaming and on steam, so when PUBG came out it was like DayZ in which everyone was playing it because it was new and every one was playing it, but because the player count on PC rose, the player-base of PUBG had the same treatment on an amplified scale.