Things you didn't like the idea of til you tried?

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Ok, so basically, we're discussing things you didn't like the idea of at all until you tried.

First up is one point I regret. Basically, I used to despise smoking and didn't want to be anywhere near it, til one day I got stressed and decided to try a cigarette, which I enjoyed and as a result started smoking for the head rush but didnt realise that the head rush effect would become really weak once I'm used to smoking.

Next up, something I regret too, but unlike the last one where I regret starting to smoke, this one I regret the PAST, not the future. Basically, up until I was 19, I hated the idea of eating Lamb and veal. The idea of eating a baby animal was a distressing thought. last year, we went on a cruise, and since I had just got on the boat after several hours in the port, despite having a fair breakfast at the hotel we stayed at the night before, I was pretty fucking hungry. I saw lamb chops at the buffet and since I was on holiday, decided to at least try lamb for ONCE in my life. Well, I took my first bite of lamb and realised that it was so fucking good, and that all these years, condemning eating lamb was not only a shit choice on my half, but also a hypocritical one. Why the fuck was I so fussed abut people eating lamb when I'm eating basically every other animal under the sun? I also tried veal, and that was fucking lush too.

So, what's your story that taught you "don't knock it til you try it"? Tell us below!*

*That doesn't involve sexual activity. No one wants to know where your Willys been bro
If you want me to be brutually honest,


Someone I know possessed some and pressured me into giving it a go. One hit turned into two which turned into more over the course of the night. Woke up feeling absolutely awful and promised myself I'd never go there ever again.

Absolutely stupid decision.

EDIT: Oops should have read the post correctly (thought it was the other way around aha), sorry
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Sounds like you now hate crack and can still knock it after you tried it
Most food like pizza, burgers, etc.

I never liked them until i decided to try them and now they're my favorite. This generally happens to me with most food items that are new to me, I just avoid trying them and miss out on it
I always thought fishing was boring as shit, one of my close mates bangs on about it all the time and it's all we ever hear out of him. Memes sent by him - to do with fishing, talking as group - fishing brought up, etc. Anyways, one day I got convinced to come along and it was fucking epic! We sat by the lake and fished & had beers and it was a proper nice night as weather was cool not muggy. 10/10
Actually wanna try going fishing tbh, the local piers are a great spot. Been crabbing.