Tyla's YouTube Channel - Preferred editing style

What do you prefer?

  • A) Short unedited videos 1 minute long, quite frequent uploads. Bit more like what @Jordan uploads.

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • B) Longer montages but without music/effects just loads of little clips merged together, less freque

    Votes: 9 17.0%
  • C) Longer montages which are edited and has lovely music, currently what I do now.

    Votes: 16 30.2%
  • D) Mix them all up? Sometimes have an edited video sometimes have one which is unedited?

    Votes: 26 49.1%

  • Total voters
Reaction score
Instead of asking everyone on my steam I am just going to make a poll. Since I make videos and that I don't know what people prefer better:

A) Short unedited videos 1 minute long, quite frequent uploads. Bit more like what @Jordan uploads.
B) Longer montages but without music/effects just loads of little clips merged together, less frequent uploads. Similar to what @The HitMan uploads.
C) Longer montages which are edited and has lovely music, currently what I do now.
D) Mix them all up? Sometimes have an edited video sometimes have one which is unedited?
Using below as an example:
From 0:00 - 1:25 is a bit more similar to @The HitMan
From 1:25 - 2:47 is a bit more like what I upload now with the music and stuff.

Edit: Thanks for the feedback, was really useful.
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I'd definitely go with the mixed up videos, as someone may not like a certain topic you have uploaded but if you mix them with something they like then maybe it will interest them in the topic they wouldn't normally click on? Plus, I think people enjoy random and mixed up videos anyway, it's a popular choice. Good luck with your channel!