Unable to rank up in CSGO

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So I’ve been getting back into CSGO recently and realised I’d never ranked up from Silver 1 even after winning 51 games and being on a current 4 win streak all while Solo Queuing.

I realised I didn’t seem to rank up. Yes, I solo que, but I’ve still managed to win games commonly and yes I normally have Russians but I am able to speak with them and adapt to their playstyles and I’ve been top fragging and gotten plenty of MVP’s in all my recent games and in my streak of 4 wins, this week I’ve won about 11 games too.

If anyone has any tips or could help me or if I could find people to que up with, that would help a lot, thanks.​
Don't TK and get a cooldown when me and @R-Flex carry you...
Silver Master Race:
To get out of silver you only need individual skill, just learn to shoot and u'll be gold in no time.
idk keep carrying bruv. maybe try for more objectives. you need to be good enough to exceed or at least equal the occasional higher-ranked player that gets put onto the enemy team by the system to test your skill every few games. Sub DMG-Eagleland, aim is your only real concern, so keep on working on edshots.
idk keep carrying bruv. maybe try for more objectives. you need to be good enough to exceed or at least equal the occasional higher-ranked player that gets put onto the enemy team by the system to test your skill every few games. Sub DMG-Eagleland, aim is your only real concern, so keep on working on edshots.
To get out of silver you only need individual skill, just learn to shoot and u'll be gold in no time.
just get good 4Head
If you can't rankup in silver its just shows that you suck xd

I’m good at shooting and my aim and recoil knowledge and control is good, I’m sure I shouldn’t be playing with other silver 1’s
How is it possible to get silver rank? or under ak rank???

A year ago I lost most of my games since I had a laptop and I didn’t know how to play.

I got stuck at silver 1 and even after getting 51 wins and on a current 4 win streak I can’t seem to rank up to at least silver 2.
I’m good at shooting and my aim and recoil knowledge and control is good, I’m sure I shouldn’t be playing with other silver 1’s
The truth is, to get out of silver you only need aim and decent spray/burst. Figure those out. If you're still silver, then you still havent figured it out.
To be honest, before the rank reshuffle I realised that playing exceptionally well didn't progress you through the ranks (Sadly). All I can suggest is to play consistently - And by that I mean staying mid to top of the leader-board each game, no-matter if you've got an outstanding or horrific team. Through that, I managed to grind up to LE - Unsure if the system has drastically changed then, but best of luck pal :P
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