Unlimited upgrade on < 3mil cars

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Description of the idea: Cars below 3 mil Would be able to get upgraded until they hit a certain cap, For example 120 mph? I feel like there is a lot of nice cars below the 3 mil mark that could be on par with certain super cars irl. However each upgrade would get increasingly more expensive.

Why should this be added? (pros):
Gives use to all the useless Below 1/2 mil

Adds realism

More selection of faster cars, because every super car in the game someone has

Wouldn't be hard to implement (but potentially time consuming?)

Gives people a new objective to work towards

Not everyone on the server will have super cars out 24/7

What negatives could this have? (cons):
Could be potentially unrealistic if done incorrect, (don't want any minis going to fast ;) )

Could be a ball ache to implement

*Other additions:
If it was to be implemented make sure it is done properly, don't want any mini coopers going 100mph lmao




Currently the only car that is essential is the Tesla, besides that’s there’s actually only a handful of super cars that are viable due to speeds and trunk size etc.

Definitely needs adjusting, + support
Make each upgrade scale in price based on how many you already have. A mini would still cost a minimum of 150k for the first two upgrades, then 200k for 3rd and 4th, 250k for 5th and 6th, then so on. Maybe?
I absolutely love the honda S2000 IRL and IG, I would absolutely pay a few mil to get it up to supercar performance. It's still just as balanced cuz the cost is the same, and IRL many people will mod the shit, if not even completely gut a car for you and replace the stuff for the right price. Massive support here.
I hate the fact the cheaper cars are cars like the MX-5, Supra, S2000, Lancer etc. These cars usually get modified the fuck out of yet we can't go fast in them. There are supras with 1000 hp, there are a FUCK TON of turbo'd MX-5s that make up to 300HP.

I just want to go fast man
I've double upgraded my supra and it only goes like 77mph max and like bro I want it faster :facepalm:
RS4 is a good example, some Supras IRL are pushing over 1000BHP ig one is useless, Ford Focus RS have 400bhp as standard and it does 60? +Support
I think this would be really cool idea, only issue would probably be balancing how much you spend for each upgrade (so super cars don't just get walked as they are pretty expensive although this could easily happen in a real race). I make this point as I could see some super car owners getting pissed.

Overall, I think this a very good idea and fully support it.
There should be a cap, but much higher than it is currently. Including:
- Dodge Challenger 1970 should be upgradable until it hits 85MPH
- Mid tier muscle cars like the dodge challenger 2015, Camaro ZL1, etc. Should be upgradable til they hit 99MPH
- Cars like the mini Cooper and Hudson hornet (vintage cars) should be upgradable til they hit 70MPH.​
I like the figure on the vintage cars, but i think the muscle cars could potentially be higher? atleast so they are on par with the police cars
I got @TinySlayer to boost the speed on my Dodge Challenger 1970 to like 100MPH once and it was literally impossible to control Lmao.
Yeah this was roughly what i had in mind, the idea being People would have to pay for super car prices for super car speeds
I like this, as long as it can be balanced well in terms of upgrade prices, it would work very well. We won't have hundreds of people with extremely fast cheaper cars due to the upgrade prices, but people that do have cheaper cars/prefer to have cheaper cars will be able to spend more upgrading them in order to compete a bit better and overall improve realism to a certain extent in terms of vehicle speed
Also repair price should scale with amount of upgrades, I like the idea so other cars get used more but wouldn't it result in pay to win again?
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