Update - 06/07/2015: 70 player slots

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Why hello there guys!

You might be aware from @Fredy's update post earlier in the week. The server has been upgraded: https://perpheads.com/threads/new-server.8835/. In result of this, we thought it might be a good idea to see how the server would manage with 10 extra players on the server, so as of today the server is now up to 70 slots. However this may not be permanent, we want to make sure that it doesn't make a significant impact on performance. We'll be posting back on this thread tonight on the verdict if we'll be keeping it or not!

Have a good one!
Can still have FPS issues, although pings are no longer problems
Excellent, our younger people should be starting to arrive on the server.

I hope that the server can handle such a change and whether improvements can be made in the future.
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Reactions: joR
players: 66/70
fps: 9
ping: 254

Dear diary, i think my computer is going to explode under my hands
Players: 60-70

FPS: Inside 15-30 outside 5 on the intersection. Elsewhere 10-20

Ping: Changed a lot I got a few lag spikes. 120-250

My specs:

Processor: 3GHz Intel Core i7

RAM: 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

GPU: Intel Iris 1536 MB DDR3

Gmod settings:

Model detail high

Texture detail high

Everything else was the lowest.
WTF. I said last night a comment saying "Can we raise the player count?" on the new server post and then this happens and I get no credit?!

With the power invested in me, by the glorious senior administration team, I, Ex-Moderator Murtsley hereby award zXDroNEXz credit for this post.

Disclaimer: Murtsley has as much power as a headmaster of a Home school.
When server was 60/60 my ping on good days 150-160ms. FPS at intersection 8-24
When server upgraded 70/70 ping 100-130ms. FPS at intersection with tones of police cars and stuff 24-40 FPS

There's been a increase in fps and better ping what is this magic O.o
When server was 60/60 my ping on good days 150-160ms. FPS at intersection 8-24
When server upgraded 70/70 ping 100-130ms. FPS at intersection with tones of police cars and stuff 24-40 FPS

There's been a increase in fps and better ping what is this magic o_O

Same here, was getting about 45fps with 70 players, before I got 32 with 60. Strange
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