Update Log 15/07/2022

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Update Log 15/07/2022

A small update will go live later today which will make all of the custom animations (gestures, healing, lockpicking, drawing weapons etc.) have a smooth transition to the player's stance at the start and end of the animation. I had been trying to figure out a way to do this for quite a while and to my surprise, it was actually very simple.

Here are some examples of the change:

Old vs New
Old vs New

The surrender animation was also slightly changed, here is the comparison:


Lastly, fixed the first person camera spazzing out when your movement speed was lower than normal (examples I can think of would be while using the crowbar and surrendering). It should now be smooth.
Here are some more examples because I can't post more than 5 media in a single post.

Old vs New
Old vs New
Great update,

The only downside is now everyone will point way too early due to being used that it delays lmao. Great job ;)
when map changes, when new roads ;'(
Animations are cool and all. but we all low-key want more roads,map additions/buildings.

It has been annnounced that v6 is under development, @Lelios1 is busting his balls working on the new map and making cool stuff for us all to enjoy.

Its actually a bonus that he went above and beyond to do this update that brings quality to the daily life of the server and he should be thanked for it!
me and @Moon couldn't see any difference
I don't think we are the only ones but anyway I'll state what I think about it I personally thought that I'm playing spot the difference for a second when I first looked at the videos that were posted above, and I seriously think that this update log was unnecessary and it should of just been added to the server silently because if we are all honest here I doubt anyone that plays would of actually noticed these minor changes, but on the other hand this post proves that the server gets updated very consistently if you base it off the recent update that the server has just received, and another benefit of that is that'll also give the community members an higher anticipation for the upcoming updates, that is if the server will keep getting updated consistently.
I don't think we are the only ones but anyway I'll state what I think about it I personally thought that I'm playing spot the difference for a second when I first looked at the videos that were posted above, and I seriously think that this update log was unnecessary and it should of just been added to the server silently because if we are all honest here I doubt anyone that plays would of actually noticed these minor changes, but on the other hand this post proves that the server gets updated very consistently if you base it off the recent update that the server has just received, and another benefit of that is that'll also give the community members an higher anticipation for the upcoming updates, that is if the server will keep getting updated consistently.
Come back to the server.

(I have been 'London shanked' by Fredy to change this. Mission completed by the way, Fredy got pissed.)
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I'm afraid some people can't take criticism so it's best to agree to disagree.
What criticism? You just said you couldn't spot the difference, maybe it will be more pronounced in-game, or you'd have to know what you are looking for.

I seriously think that this update log was unnecessary
It is not unnecessary, it even has a relatively big gameplay change, i.e. no more massive prediction errors after playing any animations (including lockpicking). I'm sure you'd notice that one too if you still played.