Update Log - 26/05/2019

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United Kingdom
Update Log - 26/05/2019

As some of you may have noticed, an updated went live earlier today. Here are the changes:
  • Added new "Raid" events
  • Notifications are rendered over all UI, so that they are visible when your phone is out
  • When your gun is not in passive mode and standing next to a vehicle, you do not change to keys when changing firemode
  • Dispatcher Office doors can be locked
  • Wrenches can be used to repair non-disabled cars
  • Removed hold animation for chemical tables
  • Shop items can be purchased when the owner is far away
  • Taking a gun out of passive stops the dragging animation
  • Added chemical table spawn locations to Puffer Mart
  • New players now receive some core items when joining for the first time
  • Lowered mini cooper price by $10k
  • Garbage bags can no longer be spawned as props
  • Disabled physgun for dropped items and explosives
  • Organisations are now limited to 15 players
  • Players can no longer be handcuffed while running
  • Fixed propane tank sorting thinking full tanks as empty
  • Fixed battering rams on doors that shouldn't be opened
  • Fixed vehicles being public after driver has left
  • Fixed players from sliding out the back of their vehicles
Thank you for those who have provided feedback on thie Community Discussion thread, please continue to post your ideas so that we can use them in future updates.
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you bitch ass get ratings because community is toxic against me
  • Shop items can be purchased when the owner is far away

How does that work then sir
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