For the last couple of months I've been looking for something to do, as in start my own company(ies) as I want to make something myself, I already have the foundation for it so that isn't a problem, rather what it should be about, if that makes sense.
If you got any ideas to pitch me go ahead lol.
I was supposed to finish my education by a bar exam in Switzerland however I have decided not to do so as I don't see why lol.
I have an apartment in Gothenburg that I'm renting out and by next year I will have paid the cost off and will hit break even which feels amazing for me.
Everything is slightly halted though because I'm not home much anymore.
Also just a word for everyone, if you have an idea of any sort if you wish to start a company and make it grow, don't listen to people who say you can't do it, everything is possible but don't be a fucking idiot and watch tutorials or amazing speeches because if you truly think you can do something and you think it's a great idea you won't need them, you will only need yourself really.