I’m hoping the following things will become frowned upon ideas in the future:
The belief that the government should hold the right to dictate what people do with themselves. A law abiding Samaritan deserves to be able to do whatever he wants as long as it’s not hurting or runs the risk of hurting others.
Globalism, such as nations all banding together to form some form of unelected super government to unify under a single flag and an umbrella of archaic laws (sound familiar?)
The general consensus that having a dislike towards particular groups of people or certain aspects of a groups culture and / or actions is a phobia or racism.
the belief that wanting a stricter immigration system is racism, not a genuine Political concern regarding the safety, strength, and quality of life in your nation.
The belief that rehabilitation of certain criminals is always possible.
The idea that users of certain low risk narcotics and chemicals are criminals and should face jail time for privately using or privately producing said narcotics for their own person use.
The idea that nature and all natural land is a commodity to be bought and sold.
The idea that important, life saving medical care is a commodity to be sold.
The ideology that any government should entwine religion into its laws. It’s a cultural thing, and theres nothing wrong with it if it doesn’t affect the people who don’t believe in it.
The ideology that if there is a god, that said god would actually want you to kill your fellow man for thinking of god differently.
The ideology that victimless crime is still a crime. Except for situations where someone gives “consent” to be assaulted, killed, or otherwise harmed, and other situations.
Most people complain about kids being taught about LGBT stuff at a young age. In my opinion, sex ed in general shouldn’t be taught to children at all until they’re able to actually fully understand it, (Like on the last year of primary / first year of secondary school). No reason we should try and explain love to kids at all. It’s pointless.
The belief amongst teens that they should flock to social media to document their entire lives live to all their friends and the world. Clout means fucking nothing, to do your homework.
The belief that a society with its law abiding population completely disarmed is a safe society. Banning weapons only creates the illusion of safety. Weapon bans only affect the law abiding citizens and fuels both the black market trade and allows Criminals to be even more feared due to them having illegal weapons their victims won’t have. Every good natured person deserves the right to defend themselves, and a polite society is an armed society.
The ideology that the government sits above its people. We all bleed red.
The ideology that educating people about different cultures will make them more tolerant of it.
And finally, furries existing. If you can dress up as an animal to pretend to be one, go ahead, As long as you don’t mind me pretending I’m a butcher from Yulin, China.