Whats the best chemical for drying Coke?


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Hello peRpHEaDs!

Ive recently started growing coke because im bored of weed and meth (dont cry that its not worth it got 200 seeds for 30k) ANYWAY i always thought the best chemical was iodine but i heard there might be more? any suggestions?

unless tiny did some sneaky changing this is what I got

read section 3
@dooooooooooge The yield numbers are very wrong, and you've confused profit and revenue in a couple of places. You also haven't investigated power settings and haven't done any analysis on seeding. Finally, while it's not always necessary, there doesn't seem to be ant consideration to tax here.
@TinySlayer ok well I wrote that in like 10 mins at 1 in the morning and the general understanding is still the same. Also, how are my yield numbers very wrong when that was what I got using the same method every time and it was literally what I got and you can probably check logs for that. I didn't do seeding cause that's not factored into the equation at all and I didn't do any other power settings cause I made 0 money the first time around.

Now explain how the 10 times I did Iodine before I got 9.9 average 6/13 min/max and now I get 14 average with 9/17 min/max?? I changed nothing in the process of making this. YOU B U F F E D IT

i've literally tested all the chemicals again all with the same procedure as before and they're ALL (except for muriatic which is still shit) MUCH HIGHER check logs if you say my numbers are some how wrong from when i did them before

fuck you tiny you wasted the time i couldve been playing the division 2 instead you and @rogue literally make me want to mass rdm
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