What's wrong with PERP? - Community's opinion

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Hello wonderful people of PERP,

I have recently been conducting a bit of research when it comes to the general opinion of PERP when it comes to the community. I thought the best way to do it was through Google docs as they provide a good insight into the answers and are simple to use. If you still wish to give your opinion, you can still do so, though it may not be updated here instantly as I will be providing updates while this develops.
Link is: https://goo.gl/forms/M49AbA9IL8juh2SP2.

Yes, I saw that PERP had 80 players on today (3rd Nov 2018), though this is not an excuse to claim nothing is wrong anymore.

The date of reviewing this (3rd Nov 2018) we had 36 responds to the form.
The date of reviewing this for the second time (4th Nov 2018) we had 51 responds on the form.
Some responses (3) got deleted due to abusing the form. That's why you may see more justifications than there is answers.

I have asked you, the community, many questions. They're mostly related to my personal opinion, but also to others constantly stated by the community on the forums or in-game.

When have you joined PERP?
This section was especially interesting as it showed the consistency of players which are inside the community. It proves one of my later points that PERP focuses on older players, rather than to get new ones.
You can clearly see the majority joined in 2016 (like myself) or previously. Only few newer players so far are active on the forums and community and have stayed (and one dummy who joined in the year 2).

What would you categorize your PERP issue(s) under?

The graphs are not very clear as everyone who entered something other than the already available options got their own line, so here's the full graph:
Most people decided to pick Playerbase and Non-friendly newcomer environment. On most questions including this one players were asked to justify their choice of answers.
Many people blame playerbase toxicity for this, though what people often do not understand is the difference between toxicity and saltiness. People often complain about petty reports or ARs made against them. I don't see this as much of an issue as you do not receive a warning or ban unless you've committed something which is against the rules.
Second comes the PLPD, which the stats will be later reviewed.

Do you believe PERP is in a good state?
This graph just explains itself. People are unhappy about the current state of PERP. The issues of which they're most unhappy of can be found later on in this post...

If you could blame one member for anything that's going on with PERP. Who would you? (this can include staff, police officers etc.)
This is probably the question everyone wants to know about.. Everyone wants to hear who got pointed out the most.
While yes, everyone wants to know. I will contact the person myself as I think it's inappropriate for them to be pointed out like that as I believe they're trying the best in their own way.
I actually expected everyone to be more immature and blame this whole thing on one person, but I am surprised by the amount of players which have responded that not one person is to blame, but a whole group. And some pointing out that not one person should be blamed.
But I must say. Thank you for the two people who have pointed me out as the issue :)

How do you think rules should be enforced?
This one is an interesting one for me. It'll always be a thing to moan about. No one wants themselves or loved ones to be found in the situation of a ban. And I must say that staff have become more player-like since the time I started playing. I can't say that the two bans I have received didn't teach me anything (Thank you @John Daymon for the first ban, which turned me away from the mingey side and forced me to apologize for my actions. It also made me admit up to my mistakes.) I personally believe the rules are being enforced just in the right way as they allow for fun and free thought. And most of the time if you can justify why you did something, you will get away with it.

Do you believe there should be more frequent "small updates"?
This one was an interesting one. I don't know what people expect developing to look like. These people are developing stuff for free. They don't get paid to cover the hours that get put into the game. Be happy that these small updates come out. And let's be honest. If they were more frequent you would be less happy to see them.

Do you believe PLPD is friendly to new players?
This one is on me. I worded it poorly, but got interesting answers. Most people didn't take it negatively and tried to look at this question from the positive side.
The answers can be found here, why the players decided to pick so: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FDzHfglZl_olOheu0WaQNEbENK4dVw7vobN1L-SgIok/edit?usp=sharing
Most people have answered these things in the way of PLPD is easy to get in now since the whitelist got removed. Most people from what it seems believe this is a good step towards newer players.
The ones that have answered no, are mostly referring to how PLPD interacts with newer players. Some have responded with what I understand that the system is too harsh.

What do you believe PLPD focuses most in?
Again. This one is on me. I regret giving them the option to add more opinions into it as it just created a messed up rainbow.
Now most people have stated Realism and Roleplay as one of the things, but from my personal experience I haven't seen much of that. Roleplay, yes. But limited to officers. What officers are expected to do is: Deal with the situation as fast as possible. Many people bring OOC into IC as officers when it's not needed. Realism on the other hand, yes. The PD is very well structured for the fact that it's just a GAME. Great organization.
The things other people wrote are stated bellow:
  • Winning
  • Power hungry
  • Powerhungrry kids, Safespace for free shootouts and money.
  • I mean I'm literally just gonna write what I think instead of checking questions. I believe that the people that sit with the higher ranks in the PD are good but they don't really do anything to nerf the PD so that criminal RP can come back. Criminal RP was the majority of the server and I believe since it has died out many has left with it
  • Giving out useless Reprimands/Warnings to officers who want to have fun or commit a very small mistake without their record being taken into consideration
  • Being power hungry, giving ranks to friends only. RDM anyone with a gun on their person.
  • Too realistic, they seem to want a whole army
  • climbing in rank
  • shooting sweaters
  • Their supervisors and above
  • Feeling good about your rank
  • Getting a brain , 80% of the cops are brain dead
  • Being a complete and utter asshat
  • shooting salty retards
  • seeing who can lick the chiefs arse the most
  • They focus on being known and sucking dick too much
  • About ranks they dont focus on RPing that much.
Now while these things may sound very immature, they bring out a few things. "Power hungry". Well, here's the thing guys and gals, anywhere where there's power someone will try to climb on top of it. And let's be fair. It's fun to have the power.

PLPD Slots & TFU
This is one, which most of you see me whine my ass off. I'll give you a simple justification why this is is that the current police slots are a big fuck off to newer players. Not only to newer but even to most criminal-oriented players. We don't want it easy, we just want a challenge. We don't want it impossible either.

16 - 23.2%
15 - 1.8%
14 - 7.1%
12 - 41.1%
11 - 1.8%
10 - 14.3%
9 - 1.8%
8 - 7.1%
6 - 1.8%
Why I think this is a bit ridiculous is that some player believe under 12 would be acceptable, but hey. That's the point of this. You can believe in what you want to. The majority though sees 12 as the best amount (45%). I also asked a question If they believe the current slots are reasonable. This were the answers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hrQKuXGjdFxeS4gQq-1dZLBs583u94SDiIDQzxvyz7k/edit?usp=sharing


6 - 7.1%
5 - 7.1%
4 - 48.2%
3 - 30.4%
2 - 5.4%

Don't you miss the good old times? When you didn't want to waste your own gun? Or wanted to feel like an elite unit? Yeah.. well those times are long gone. With TFU in place you feel like a British armed police unit. It doesn't make you feel all that elite. TFU as stated by many is just an excuse to legally carry around an explosive device and an M4.
With the current time, even though of the policy update. TFU is an issue. They're mostly first on scene as most shootouts are located around Projex. TFU usually patrols City - Bazaar area and rarely suburbs. While yes it can be a double edged sword in many cases, in most cases it's not. They usually come to Projex before anyone can even finish the bobby pin.

TFU isn't supposed to be an upgrade from a police officer. Every thing on PERP should and mostly has disadvantages. But being TFU has none. The issue with TFU is as well that not only geared up players get the enjoyment of carrying heavy weaponry during raids, they also get to deal with regular incidents.

Back in the 2016, when the SWAT team rolled up, you knew you were warranted. But today a TFU gunpointing you is not a valid reason to KOS. This confuses older and newer players as TFU is supposed to be seen as someone who deals with warrants and dangerous cases. Not I stubbed my toe against a car and got ragdolled cases.

Now to the vehicles. TFU is not supposed to be first on scene. If anyone is supposed to be it's the officers. They're in place to secure the first scene and let the heavily armed units roll in.
I know what has been stated "SWAT is not coming back. There was too much work put into TFU". But I thought this would be interesting to see :)

Majority believes TFU should not be able to patrol.

Issues with the weapon system?
Again. My mistake. I was expecting people to write short sentences or a single word, rather got paragraphs.

The answers that cannot be seen clearly are:
  • Weapons are too hard to use for new players
  • Weapon system takes too and too much money to rank up (my mistake for missing a few words)
  • Recoil is too high, Cancer rails on almost every gun that block the sights, like the remington 870 or the half blocked Mac 11 sights
  • Some weapons are unusable, Weapons are too expensive, Weapons are too hard to use for new players, Weapon system takes too and too much money to rank up
  • FAMAS Is literal dogshit right now
  • the metal is a cool thing but it isn't sweater friendly. i think how it was before was better, ex: buying 10 mats = 1 ak. Crafting system needs fixing. Crafting system needs an ammount u can craft option. https://perpheads.com/threads/crafting-menu-tweak-suggestion-post.34430/
  • Imbalance between 556 and 762, and SMGs are too strong for the money invested in comparison to rifles
  • Marksmanship is too expesive/time consuming
  • Bazaar shops with guns are very rare. It's still a huge grind to level up your crafting and marksmanships.
  • The marskman ship system is BS, new players have TERRIBLE recoil, if they get raided by some OP org, they cant do shit, Its 0 recoil vs 999 recoil. Not like the sweaters can control the recoil too, its too bad.
  • Marksmanship sucks major dong, it was better when everyone was on a level playing field.
  • Some weapons are unusable, Weapon system takes too and too much money to rank up
  • Recoil system should be changed

Should org wars be a thing?
While in the past I disagreed with the idea of this. If there was system where orgs could request org wars and only the founders could accept these and cancel at any time, it would be nice. Maybe invite an org to a war and to prevent people cancelling to save themselves a timer saying "Organisation war is stopping in 10 minutes!". I mean if players agree to something, why restrict them from doing it?

Thoughts on the drug system?
Again. For the idk how many time. I AM SORRY FOR GIVING YOU GUYS THE "OTHER" option.

Answers that can not be seen are:
  • Meth needs a revamp into actual crystal meth with consumption effects like coffee replenishes your energy, and basically something that stops making it useless. Other drugs are basically a pain in the ass to make.
  • It's too much of a hassle. It actually deters new players.
  • Too expensive, wayyyyyyyy to complicated for new players

NOTE: This will be re-reviewed in 7-14 days to see the results of the newly submitted forms. In the case of abuse of the forms, the results will stay as they are.
Done (14-Nov-2018) - 56 Responses
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Some questions just dont make sense

So you guys want less tfu slots but you want swat back where everyone who is cop with vip can join?

Or do you want to replace TFU with Swat so untrainned and noob cops can join it so you can win more often?
While interesting and a proof of effort, I don't think anyone should make conclusions on the state of the game (or anything, really) based on this information. I don't agree that this form can represent the community's general opinion accurately.
In my opinion, this is all bs. Perp is just losing its fun it had in the past. Everything comes to an end. Perp is long gone from ending it's just not as popular it was.
If you're going to host a community opinion document, don't blast said opinions in the post, I thought that would be pretty fucking obvious.

EDIT: call the bloke out, if people have an issue with them it should be made public
Clearly you have not completely understood this. This is not meant that everything in here is supposed to get changed. It's the communities opinion.

"Noob cops" or do you mean players that wanted to have some fun and have the feeling of proudness when they carried a raid?

We don't care about winning in all fairness.. Ethan and our org, we really are just looking for fun.. It's a game. It shouldn't be so restrictive.
Although it is the community who voted on this. I have locked it for the duration of making this post so it doesn't confuse me as much.

There are some people's opinions who never want to be heard as they're too afraid to speak out. Everything submitted, I promised to let their name stay private except to the people reviewing this whole form with me. Their names will never be published.

The form will continue staying open so we can maybe get different results. In the case of spam and missuse, I will not review the results again.
You can't say something is losing fun and it's just how things go. It's losing fun because of the additions and community. Stop being so negative about things.
@R-Flex Yes since the downside to SWAT is you had to stay at PD whereas there is no downside to going TFU.
Most issues are made public, but not enough support turned towards them. Not everyone wants to cast their opinions and many staff even avoid to comment on things to avoid confrontation of the topic.

These opinions aren't connected to anyone by their display name. You aren't able to see who they are. Everyone remains anonymous.
I'd like to point out this is not an official poll and the poor wording of some questions and the very binary way some answers had to be given may not reflect accurately on some people's opinions

Such as mine
@R-Flex Yes. SWAT actually gave you a great chance to find some friends, talk a bit while waiting. You were able to just sit at the PD watch memes on the TV and just build some anticipation until you got a code 10 and then raced to the scene with your SWAT van when code 11 was called.
This allowed normal players to maybe do a very fast raid and escape before SWAT was there. You knew that if you took too much time, the big angry SWAT van would be there.

The point was not winning. It was having fun. PLPD gets to do so many things, civilians get to do less and shooting makes them happy. Getting instantly gunned down does not.

You should've seen my proudest moment as SWAT. I still remember it. I was a new player. I had 0 marksmanship when it comes to rifles. It was a raid in regals and all officers were getting shot. I sprayed my M4 at someone who killed 3 officers and I killed him. The officer next to me went "no fucking way did the sweater swat just kill someone". It's the little things that made the server fun.
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Although it is the community who voted on this. I have locked it for the duration of making this post so it doesn't confuse me as much.

There are some people's opinions who never want to be heard as they're too afraid to speak out. Everything submitted, I promised to let their name stay private except to the people reviewing this whole form with me. Their names will never be published.

The form will continue staying open so we can maybe get different results. In the case of spam and missuse, I will not review the results again.

It's okay to do "research" and you tried it while no one else did, for that I congratulate you, the thing is that there's too many methodological errors that I would like to point out (more like some of them) in case you, or anyone else wants to pull some statistics on this.

- Bias 1: You said yourself that most of the questions were related to your personal opinion. You're also giving your personal opinion on every graph which is a big no-no.
- Bias 2: You said that they're also related to other opinions "constantly stated by the community". How do we know that this is the truth? That these opinions are actually "constantly" stated by the community and you're not just surrounded by these opinions while differing ones are not so close to you?
- Sample size: 36 people responded. The error in your graphs/results will decrease as the percentage of people targeted increases among those who responded. What percentage is "36" out of the server's players? Because if the server's population is 40, then it's a very good estimate, but if it's 150, not at all.
- Presentation: Confusing overall

There's quite more but with the small sample size and the biased questions/answers it would be enough to dismiss this information. So I state again that there's no reason to believe the information of these 36 participants represents the community's.
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I apologize for it. English is not my first language. I am not very good at keeping my attention towards something for very long, so this happened. I included people's justification in many cases of my poor wording.

This is not meant to be something official. I just want people to think about the happiness of the community. How we as a community of players think.
You disregarded the fact that if you did not agree with my opinion on these questions, you could just state "no" in them. Which many people did. I can't think for the community in the fullest. I attempted to address the questions we come across a lot. And where the community has a bridge. The polls have been reopened. They will be reviewed again in a bit of time.

People wanted me to release this. Keep in mind you will usually only get 50% of people answering such polls as some just can't be bothered to. I sent this on steam to as many as possible, but 50% refused to acknowledge the existence of me sending them this.

In addition, releasing opinions: I don't see it as anything wrong. It's useless to keep them to myself. I want the community to see how their fellow members think.