Who do you think will win the faceit mayor?

And I respect that but you need to agree that it is not even semi-realistic and so casual players or people who are not used to playing with such unrealistic weapon physics as seen in CS:GO get rekt and do not wish to play. Majority anyways.

I don't know, the only games I've played are games with the same mechanics xd.
R6S has a uplay only version that steam stats don't count btw, ik this because i got it for free as a uplay code w/ a graphics card.
And I respect that but you need to agree that it is not even semi-realistic and so casual players or people who are not used to playing with such unrealistic weapon physics as seen in CS:GO get rekt and do not wish to play. Majority anyways.
sorry but what? CSGO aiming is the most simple thing you can grasp in any FPS title nowadays. It is literally as simple as shoot and drag your mouse down if you want to fully dumb it down to that point. If anything for a casual player it would be harder to master a realistic shooter as there are so many factors when it comes to aiming a "realistic weapon". Thus csgo being more appealing to casuals especially with the casual-friendly gamemodes that are released nowadays. Even aiming on Fortnite is fucking harder with all those clowns jumping around.

On topic though: I hope an underdog wins it much like Gambit won PGL Krakow last year, because fuck Astralis. Na'Vi is okay tho.
sorry but what? CSGO aiming is the most simple thing you can grasp in any FPS title nowadays. It is literally as simple as shoot and drag your mouse down if you want to fully dumb it down to that point. If anything for a casual player it would be harder to master a realistic shooter as there are so many factors when it comes to aiming a "realistic weapon". Thus csgo being more appealing to casuals especially with the casual-friendly gamemodes that are released nowadays.

On topic though: I hope an underdog wins it much like Gambit won PGL Krakow last year, because fuck Astralis. Na'Vi is okay tho.

I really want Tyloo to win, they're very promising on Mirage.
  • I don't like Ubisoft so I don't want to play their games.
  • I don't need any fancy effects or graphics; that's why I play at 800x600 or 1152x1024
  • When I played R6S a few years ago, the only fond memories I have is 3 games where some dude was glitched under the map and killed us all (xd)
  • Games like CS:GO are fucking easy to pickup unless your brain is the size of a peanut.
  • I've played games like this since I was like 6.
  • Maps are iconic
  • CS:GO cannot be unbalanced.
  • I enjoy 400IQ clutches
  • I enjoy teamplay
  • Fuck destructible walls, that shit is gay AF.
  • If you think MM is too hard for you, play faceit, ESEA, CEVO.
  • In my country an internet provider organizes a CS:GO and League only tournament every year. with a €10.000 prize pool

EDIT: How's the shooter impractical?
God you've missed your childhood, man when I was 6 I was out climbing trees and getting hurt
God you've missed your childhood, man when I was 6 I was out climbing trees and getting hurt

I remember playing tag where you cannot be tagged when standing on something and I was standing on something out of metal where a wasp nest was in, very nice.
Honestly I think Navi have a decent chance if electronic and simple carry and the rest of the team show up for once.
people who think cs:go only requires good aim are the people who go 0 kills and 30 deaths against faceit players
my picks:

Winner: NiP
2nd: North

I still hope Tyloo wins though.
I'd like Astralis to win. We should have made a betting pool... Maybe we still can for when the legends start playing!! :D
Very serious update:

my picks:

Winner: NiP
2nd: North

I still hope Tyloo wins though.

Ok, when I posted this I thought event was in Sweden.

NiP doesn't win events outside of Sweden so they can't win.

Winner: Tyloo
2nd: idfk, Astralis?
It's either BIG, NaVi or Astralis. All the other teams have internal issues or just don't have the skill set to match IMO.