Why you're dying as officer and why its not the M9's fault.

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In recent times I see alot of officers complaining about the M9 and how its the scapegoat of 80% of unranked officers demise.

Let me start by saying, I was once just like you, I'd go on duty and see the M9 in my inventory and look at it like its a BB gun. I'd cluck my tongue whenever I was in shootouts and would die despite firing my m9 more than 4 times at a gunman.

Common complaints about the M9 include:

- iTs tOo wEaK
- rEcOiL
- mArkSmAnShIp

In reality, theres nothing wrong with the M9 at all and the REAL reason you're all dying most of the time is:
- You're punching WELL Above your weight and taking on armed suspects in odds that are against you, in manners that dont do those odds a favour
- You're tactlessly running into shootouts without cover.

The issue with the M9's power makes it almost redundant once you level your marksmanship and realise that the M9 has an effective range of almost your render distance. Suggesting that officers get a higher caliber handgun is somewhat rational and understandable, but here's a reality check for you, A higher caliber handgun is going to be significantly harder to use with low marksmanship.

In order to survive in a shootout as an officer, heres what you gotta do:
- Take a tactical approach, ensuring cover is close by always. Corners, props, cars, always help.
- When taking cover behind a car, stand at the wheel of the car when bandaging, reloading or just taking cover, as this prevents you being exposed.
-Bazaar shops make pretty swell cover in shootouts as you have space to move and corners to peak.
- Wooden fences, barricades, doors and thin walls only offer cover in the sense of visability and should not be relied on for your life.
- When moving into the scene of a shootout, move from cover to cover, making you exposed for as little time as possible.
- If you cant be completely out of harms way by crouching in your cover spot, its not good cover, relocate as soon as its safe to do so.

Another common mistake is crouching when you take body shots, because crouching when you take a hit to the chest makes your head at chest height, meaning minimal effort to headshot will be needed.
Please post below videos and / or Gifs of reasons why you like or dislike the M9.

Heres mine

Lets end the scrutiny towards probably the most suited handgun for officers on this server!
Most officers in the PD are braindead and hence are easy to kill, watch any montage and you will see the majority of the time they are killed is when they run into the open. As someone who plays both I can tell you the life expectancy of an officer with an M9 is tripled when they actually use cover as the beretta is a sniper in disguise.
points you covered are pretty valid and some i’m guilty of doing myself, i was trying to take down a group of 4 with rifles a few days ago with just a beretta which went as you can expect
here’s a clip that i got just recently while ago using the M9 -
(cant tell if i killed him or not but nevertheless it still shows the m9 is pretty effective if you take the right measures)
I've already stopped using rifles and only use pistols now
don't you get 35 minimum marksmanship as a cop as well?

anyway, if you're not very good at shooting, just play as a criminal more and try to get into more shootouts with the police when you can. it trains your skill and helps you understand both sides.
don't you get 35 minimum marksmanship as a cop as well?

anyway, if you're not very good at shooting, just play as a criminal more and try to get into more shootouts with the police when you can. it trains your skill and helps you understand both sides.
oh dont be silly, they dont know how to make friends :/
good fucking job for finally finding out! this thread is fucking amazing, never saw so many informations in my whole life, holy shit