Wont be very active...

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Garrett Woodfield

Well i simply wont be very active anymore i still have the interest in perpheads. But simply i am tired of having all my warnings. And having to be scared of getting banned.

People that have been nice and helped me:
Victor zaigar
Steve zaigar
Michael lark
Max zaigar
Jesse zaigar
Fredy newman
Robin Ljungberg
And many more. <3 love y'all and bye.
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No. Just no, you're such a nice guy, I just wished people would give you a chance, you will be back (I hope) but thanks for the mention, speak to you on steam!
Thanks everyone and victor thanks man appreciate it i will be back just cannot tell when :)
Ah sad to not seeyou arround anymore, hope you have fun doing whatever you do when you dont play perpheads <3.
Who I call fag now (apart from Johnny nose ;))

Cya Alex! You were the best baby sister ;) jk
I you are scared of getting banned, then you are scared of your brain too.


@Alex Schmidt if you really wanna know why I voted 'dumb' the its because its a pathetic reason to go inactive. (Afraid of getting banned) feel free to say you hate me lol
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<3, atleast we had MANY memories with Victor, we can have a threesome raid once you come back.RIP
sad to see you go alex :( hopefully you will be back soon take care with loads of happy/funny stuff meanwhile :)
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Pretty pathetic reason to go inactive if you ask me.
If you're scared of being banned how will you ever enjoy perpheads again?
If i was scared i wouldn't be able to enjoy the way i wanted to. After i got unbanned i just played the way i always did and enjoy the little time i had.

If you're so scared of being banned why don't you read the rules more and play safe?