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United Kingdom
hey dudes so i have a serious wow addiction if anyone else plays join me, @Exrobite and @Sonzy on ravencrest.
I'm a 110 rogue outlaw dps

we need 2 more DPS players for pre dungion ques.
also we are all becoming furies when BFA comes out
no troll posts

cheers xx
Ill probably get my sub back sometime soon, add me - ReapZ#21830
I can play whatever idgaf.
Haven't played wow since ages, but I guess since vanilla is coming (soon™) I may as well try it again so add me -> magemagicc#2911

Would have to level a new one since you plebs are on Ravencrest, assuming I even get around to bother setting up the game.

have a picture of my pleb tier11 transmog ret paladin from about 3 years ago regardless
Ill probably get my sub back sometime soon, add me - ReapZ#21830
I can play whatever idgaf.
Haven't played wow since ages, but I guess since vanilla is coming (soon™) I may as well try it again so add me -> magemagicc#2911

Would have to level a new one since you plebs are on Ravencrest, assuming I even get around to bother setting up the game.

have a picture of my pleb tier11 transmog ret paladin from about 3 years ago regardless
Added you both, if you two plan on making new characters i'd advise going warlock in preparation for the BFA update to demonology that will make the class very unique and its the strongest DPS class atm ( if you enjoy magic casters that is )
i have just got 3 styles for completing the rouge campaign which i've been doing for the past 3 days, which looks better?


i like being a midget monk, if anyone plays with us beware that exrobite is a shit healer and might as well not put a role since he doesnt do any of the above
i like being a midget monk, if anyone plays with us beware that exrobite is a shit healer and might as well not put a role since he doesnt do any of the above

That's a lie you sperg if you didn't stand in aoes you wouldn't need healing