what did everyone get for christmas in 2017

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double mini roundabout
hey gang what did everyone get for christmas i got a target practice shooter you play in the bath and a liquor that tastes like terry's chocolate orange and paint thinner. Also a typical combination of chocolate and aerosol :>
are you talking about triple sec

also i got some money but i got it weeks ago so ive spent it all :(
Money, clothes, shoes etc.

Also got a hat that has built in speakers so you can wear the hat and listen to music at the same time.
New Water Speakers, Plasma Ball, Jellyfish Lamp (Fake Jellyfish obviously) Lynx, Ted Baker, New shaving set, Sweets, Clothes and Canvas of Me and my Dads trip to New York. And some money. (Saving up for those driving lessons and car ;)) Also got a beanie with speakers in the side of them which I am going to use when I go for my daily run :)
i got a lynx spray thing that just fucking raped my eye when i sprayed it on my neck, and chocolate ofc