Update Log - 09/05/2018

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UPDATE LOG - 09/05/2018

A medium-sized update with a couple more cool changes.

You'll be happy to hear that the television has received a long-awaited update.

  • Full YouTube URL's are now supported. (we may be adding support for other sources in the future)
  • Previously device-blocked videos are now supported.
  • TV's can now be paused at a specific time rather than fully stopping
  • Buddy's with 'Physgun props' access can now change the video / pause the video.
  • Shooting the TV pauses the video (to deter annoying TV's whilst raiding)
  • Video timestamps are now supported.


House alarms
  • Unowned properties now have house alarms.
  • Crowbars instantly trigger the house alarm.
  • Bobby pins breaking now have a chance of triggering the alarm.


ayjay is cool
They can be paused by clicking the pause button, you can't skip however you can provide a timestamp in the URL to go to a specific time.
I think fredy should add the ability to control the tv with ur eyes (eye tracker), way more productive.
You should have updated the server like this back when I wasn't banned :confused:

ur updating only to make me regret mass rdm more
Great moves Fredy. Keep it up, proud of you.

Maybe soon we will get livestream/twitch support? ;)
Great moves Fredy. Keep it up, proud of you.

Maybe soon we will get livestream/twitch support? ;)
twitch chat is more important than the livestream itself sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo we need 1screen lollollol for twitch cat and 3 for live strema
Great now I can finally fucking turn off the shitty music that people play in bazaar.

No more "trap mix 2 hours long" fuck off
I just saw you post the same cancer somewhere else, guess i can add not creative to ur long list of disabilities too...

thx for fixing TV's now i can play unlisted hentai and pause so @Exrobite can nut
ur a toxic weeb. being a weeb is a disability that is 10 times worse than my all "disabilities" together lol. ur just jealous because im simply better than you and your brother together
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