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Israel, HaDarom
Topic: Mining

Short explanation (in notes):
- Rocks that are mineable with tools
- Could be a purchasable property where the rocks are at the hicktown lake.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Its another legal way of earning money since there arent that many legal ways of earning money. The only legal ways are: Fishing and jobs (Might have missed something).
People only grow or take jobs which makes me annoyed to only see this gamemode as cops and robbers. Could make rival companies and such.

Optional additions:
- Multiple tools of mining: Drill, Pickaxe, Sledge Hammer, etc.
Further detailing the tools:
Drill: Fast mining, low durability, lame ore (Doesnt find good ores).
Pickaxe: Slow mining, medium durability, mines all ores.
Sledgehammer: Between fast and slow mining, high durability, rarely find the good ores.
- "Could be a purchasable property where the rocks are at the hicktown lake."
- Could have multiple purchaseable plots.
- Different ores that can be sold to vendors and be used for crafting.

I dont want to make this too complicated just when the property is yours other people need house acces to mine there since i dont wanna bother anyone making an extention to the map just because of this.

Read this through again things have been edited.
If there are more suggestions post a reply on them.
I have more ideas that will make legal money and companies instead of just orgs that all they do is: Crime, crime, crime.
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For me its totaly not needed and actually mining is not being done in public places. Btw i suggest Changing it to minning instead of backpacks
I would love an addition like this, were you can gather resources used for crafting by other players. It would open up an entire new field to the player run economy.
Could this be done properly, I personally would love it.
This idea wold be great In my opinion. However there should be a public area to mine, not a purchasable area. Or make multiple areas for different resources. An d then be able to make those into crafting materials. Then sell those to the other players for a large amount cheaper.
I think you should sell to npcs like drugdealer. And give maybe 25-50$ each item
I really can't see this being added buto it is possible I have seen it on a server before so it maybe possible.

But if anything they should work on the fishing a bit more of a way to make money.
I like this idea, it gives players a mindless, easy, pass the time thing to do, however, the map may have to be edited for this to be added in well, maybe, do it the way the stranded game-mode did. Get a tool, go to a cave and hit a rock, a progress bar appears, when it is up, your pick loses durability, and you either get nothing, maybe, ore that you can smelt into metal at a stove, and other stuff you can sell at the hardware store. Maybe adding the mine entrance near the cliffs by the lake on the other side of the bridge from hick town. and maybe, a mining skill, the better it is, and the better your strength genetic is, the more chance of getting an ore?
This could be really nice to have, also this would add a new way to gather money LEGAL, which i personally think that we need! If u then could make something with these materials u gather, then that could ofcourse also be really nice. Big Huge +Support
I woouuuld LOVE it if it came, But but we might have to wait for the next update then...... +support, I just love the idea in genral.
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