Map ideas needed

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We are thinking about making a new version of the map. Removing all CS:S textures took the majority of the time for the V5 release. Since this is now done we can focus on more substantial changes. However, we are also hitting all the limits of gmod, so adding anything big might also require replacing something old, so the ideal suggestions would be small new things or reworking/replacing old buildings.
Adding more roads and removing bollards so you can have more car chases and not just drive in a donut in which the entire map can be countered by 2 cops at the intersection
3ratings at once talk about a killstreak,good idea btw
remove the small subs houses

remove chair shop
remove med shop
combine them into a bigger store or something, free up space in city for player shops

maybe rework scrapyard into something useful or just bigger housing

maybe change one of the jennifers

rework or just get rid of the puffermart

open up bazaar a bit to make the middle bit wider allow for bigger baz shops, can eat into the space from that weird alleyway on the side.

monorail is kinda ass but i dont think thats going anywhere
  • Dirt road from Farm to Car garage and make it continue to Scrapyard for more possibilities to escape car chases or just provide more ways than the highway to business. It will also help new players to move around and not forcing them to use the monorail if they don't have a car.
  • Fix the broken bridge at Hicktown so people can cross safely with their vehicles.
  • Make the area of leeches smaller.
  • Use the gas station at suburbs that @Collier made for v5.
  • Open up the storage and make it look more like storage units.
  • Remove the stop sign from Subs offramp/Cornfield road.

  • Move Uncle COS and Ye ol Chaddy's to Blaze it and let them share that store. More suiting with parking outside and closer to an ATM.
  • Remove Poisson, Safety first, COS, Chaddy's and Stool and make them into player owned shops to make the city more attractive for new players and open up more roleplay opportunities.
  • Change the wall at regals so players can't stand on the window edge (Move the wall/window instead of adding to save brushes)
  • Make another slums apartment building the city, where the DD spot currently is, in the corner past Office.
  • Add a walk/bicycle lane from intersection to business and open a part of the fence at hungries towards the highway/bicycle path for more sweater friendly roads and ability to get off and on the highway if you're in an accident on the highway.
  • Add a second gate to the impound lot to make it easier for roadcrew to impound cars instead of a 3 point turn every time.

  • Change the size on every Bazaar shop so it matches Bazaar shop 5 (Not a single shop is the same size for some reason?)
  • Fix the misalign textures on Cardealer
  • Remove Puffermart and make a player owned Cinema where it contains an admin TV.
Definitely more roads like others have said, I don't have a real idea where but saying it's true that the map feels like a donut is an understatement lol.

I've been thinking of adding new apartments somewhere in the city, perhaps in the center but unsure where.

The sign when entering mcuwes parking from parker tunnel is sticking out in a really annoying way that can tier your car because the sign itself sticks out onto the road so please fix yo.

On the off-ramp City to subs, please add a wall at the bottom of the road or like a railing , im tired of sliding down into the trees because it's hard to regulare speed on the ramp. or maybe even make it so that the road that goes to the On ramp subs to parker tunnel is connected to the subs off ramp.

rework or just get rid of the puffermart
If it get's removed it'll be pretty sad, sure it's useless for everyone besides like 2 people but I feel like it's sort of iconic, just underappreciated.
remove the small subs houses
This also, I think they're too iconic to just remove.
I'd like to see monorail removed and made into actual subway, with a subway station at the actual subway by PD, as well as at the side of car dealer, coming out where the car dealer park is now. I'd also move the station at suburbs from where the monorail station is now to behind the bakery near storage. I think this would make it more convenient for new players to get to and from the high traffic areas when they either don't have a car, or when they've done something stupid and wrecked it.

Also add something like a laundromat property that you can buy where the suburbs monorail is just now. I think that would make subs a bit more interesting.

I'd have the monorail station at business be replaced with a small hardware store that sells a few bits and bobs from the uncle cos store right now, and maybe basic melee weapons like hammers and hatchets for a heavily marked up price over crafting prices. I don't think that would be too annoying, given that the gun store sells baseball bats already, and would make sense for a hardware store to sell hammers and hatchets, as they're primarily tools.

Monorail bad, subway good.
EDIT: Make the laundromat be called Lewis' Laundry or something for long time retired admong LEWIS 088
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Bulldoze Puffer cus it's GARBAGE or at least add a garage/elevated office

REMOVE small car park at bazaar/business shops and replace it with communal area and multistorey car park on top of puffer

ADD SIGNS to all buildings including delivery warehouse, morons and basically all businesses

CHANGE interiors to small subs houses because it's a poorly designed interior kept from V2

ADD Taxi ranks/parking spaces and LOADING BAYS for delivery courier people

ADD STAIRCASE to city hall instead of just lifts (this is currently a MAJOR FIRE ISSUE)

ROTATE church so that the entrance faces regals and remove the benches INSIDE

IMPROVE HICKTOWN trailers as they are extremely small even for roleplay purposes, and edit the PIRHANA KILL ZONE so that it is much smaller
Make the building next to Glass Co (Garages) actually usable

Remove/Make use of the Garages next to Bazaar, maybe could be a mechanic place for car customization NPC rather than inside Car Dealer

Make an Upstairs to the Casino with a lift & stairs maybe up to a few Offices and vault for Casino Vault Heist (If suggestion is accepted)
Would be nice if we got the city shops from V1 back in some form as the market stalls don't really cut it, need to remove Safety First and the Chair shop for that however.

Find a use for the unoccupiable small suburbs houses that are just blacked out. Could remove them, cut open the fence and bush and connect it with the subs house next door. Rework the small subs house into a larger one but not with multiple floors.

Make use of the big concrete area at beach that could have a use for possibly upcoming legal jobs if any are planned.
more chase features. such as round abouts. ETC. ETC. ETC. or more one way streets. Expand the map a little.