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So, quite a few crim players have been upset ever since changes were made to 3.5, which stops crims from going back to previous incidents but it doesn't stop cops.
There was recently a suggestion regarding this that I don't think a lot of people agree with, but I still think changes should be made to this rule to incentivize more crim rp.

I think we could find a good middle ground around this, my suggestion would be to give cops a 10 minute NLR connected to the situation they just died in. I think fully removing their ability to come back is a bit excessive. But at the same time the amount of money and risk that goes into raiding etc combined with shootouts just generally lasting longer these days, make it feel like you get slowly strangled as a crim and you sometimes don't really have the option of just "rushing out and escaping". From my recent experiences crim RP has been on a decline and I feel like tiny things like this play a part in it.

Cops already have a 10 min wait time. 5 min sitting in a black screen and 5 min for the NLR timer which IMO is plenty of time for you to finish up your raid and leave. You are supposed to quickly get in and get out as per valuing your life not sitting around for an insane amount of time which is what this idea is trying to do. This will only prolong shootouts and raids and affect the victims of raids even longer as people know the police response time is increased to an absurd number.
objectively if this were to be implemented then are you suggesting a separate NLR timer for this, or some sort of physical implementation; i really really doubt staff have time to check the logs every time someone reckons a cop came back within 10 mins of respawning so something would have to be done to help self enforce it
Cops already have a 10 min wait time. 5 min sitting in a black screen and 5 min for the NLR timer which IMO is plenty of time for you to finish up your raid and leave. You are supposed to quickly get in and get out as per valuing your life not sitting around for an insane amount of time which is what this idea is trying to do. This will only prolong shootouts and raids and affect the victims of raids even longer as people know the police response time is increased to an absurd number.
Have you ever thought that the raids last that long because police can respond over and over again?

Increasing the time will make these shootouts resolve quicker as police presence won't be there and will let them exit.

I'm a cop main and honestly, most shootouts I die in, I can usually go for round 2.
Cops already have a 10 min wait time. 5 min sitting in a black screen and 5 min for the NLR timer which IMO is plenty of time for you to finish up your raid and leave. You are supposed to quickly get in and get out as per valuing your life not sitting around for an insane amount of time which is what this idea is trying to do. This will only prolong shootouts and raids and affect the victims of raids even longer as people know the police response time is increased to an absurd number.
So what do you think takes the longest amount of time? Killing 3 defenders or killing 15 police. What prolongs the shootouts are the police coming back over and over again. Killing even 10 police can take an upwards of 4 minutes if you are playing safe and if you rush you are guaranteed dying. You can probably get into a base in 2 minutes, but that is without police responding. If the PD responds quickly even if i kill them all, and get inside its already been about 10 minutes, then its just a matter of playing fucking COD zombies. Just infinite waves of people coming over and over again.
+ The cops will literally just have 1 cop left standing to relay all the information to the cops that are spawning so they can go back and just start KOS all over again so its almost impossible to wipe the whole PD
If we can leave our 'Cops vs Criminals' mindset for a minute and think of what would happen if you commit a crime in real life as the server rules are based on emulating real life which a real example can be found on rule 2.1.

Criminals are expected to run from cops. Some rules are obviously edited to force-apply 2.1.

You still have a chance to 'wipe' the entire PD and run away from scene which needs to be done in less than 10 minutes. It's not always shoot and win or die and lose.

Try to enjoy the things you're doing instead focusing on the victory.
If we can leave our 'Cops vs Criminals' mindset for a minute and think of what would happen if you commit a crime in real life as the server rules are based on emulating real life which a real example can be found on rule 2.1.

Criminals are expected to run from cops. Some rules are obviously edited to force-apply 2.1.

You still have a chance to 'wipe' the entire PD and run away from scene which needs to be done in less than 10 minutes. It's not always shoot and win or die and lose.

Try to enjoy the things you're doing instead focusing on the victory.
If it's considered inappropriate for Suggesstions to be discussed just on the basis of "Would be good for Realism", then neither should you be making that point based on it.

Currently the map as it is provides very little escape paths. So running by itself is not an option. Yes, you don't need to wipe the PD, but if you wish to run from Projex you bet your ass you'll have to kill all the cops or get your tyres shot out.

Stop focusing on realism, and just face the truth, that the server, whilst roleplay oriented, heavily promotes the idea of basing and raiding (and cops vs robbers). And removing the sense of winning, removes the main focus of the server, making it less fun, causing playercount to drop. And even when people win, it's generally the experienced players, so we push away newer players. But hey, it's for the sake of realism!

And the age-old argument: Cops lose nothing when they die. The job is low risk, low reward. Criminals lose the main loot during a raid if they die, even worse if they get revived and lose a lot more. High risk, still terrible, but a bit higher reward.

And again, all of this coming from a cop main.

Try to enjoy the things you're doing instead of focusing on everything being realistic.
If we can leave our 'Cops vs Criminals' mindset for a minute and think of what would happen if you commit a crime in real life as the server rules are based on emulating real life which a real example can be found on rule 2.1.

Criminals are expected to run from cops. Some rules are obviously edited to force-apply 2.1.

You still have a chance to 'wipe' the entire PD and run away from scene which needs to be done in less than 10 minutes. It's not always shoot and win or die and lose.

Try to enjoy the things you're doing instead focusing on the victory.
In real life cops wouldn't respond to a scene where a bunch of cops were just killed. The rules themself aren't realistic sometimes so I don't see why this should matter.
In real life cops wouldn't respond to a scene where a bunch of cops were just killed. The rules themself aren't realistic sometimes so I don't see why this should matter.
They wouldn't? What? Dallas Texas a couple years ago a gunman shot and 5 police officers during one situation. Police kept responding till the shooter was killed. Im baffled that you would think cops wouldn't respond to a multiple officer down call like they don't give a shit about another officer.
They wouldn't? What? Dallas Texas a couple years ago a gunman shot and 5 police officers during one situation. Police kept responding till the shooter was killed. Im baffled that you would think cops wouldn't respond to a multiple officer down call like they don't give a shit about another officer.
Would a pistol cop that just respawned and waited 5 mins, just take out his crown vic and speed down to projex? That's not realistic at all and that is what happens every shootout. Also I couldn't care less about shootings in America, I could've worded my post better but they're clearly not related to what I'm saying at all.
Cops already have a 10 min wait time. 5 min sitting in a black screen and 5 min for the NLR timer which IMO is plenty of time for you to finish up your raid and leave.
you have just announced to the world how little you actually know about what is being discussed, i do not think you can make a statement free of bias on this matter as you've just shown you do not have the experience necessary to know the nuances of what you're arguing against

when you're raiding a large base you're dealing with sometimes 10+ enemy crims, 16 cops, then if you can't break into the base, collect everything and leave within 10 minutes - which is quite literally impossible in a large amount of cases - you're dealing with another 16 cops, so an effective 42+ enemies - this is just absurd and it's no wonder why people are so scared to raid, no raiding & incredibly easy/essentially risk-free basing is VERY unhealthy for the game

give cops an extra 10 minute timer, it was WAY too common that i would die as police then just go right back after my NLR was finished, even for smaller situations

at a point it just felt unfair if we weren't against the best org on the server at that time, they almost always just had no chance
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If we can leave our 'Cops vs Criminals' mindset for a minute and think of what would happen if you commit a crime in real life as the server rules are based on emulating real life which a real example can be found on rule 2.1.

Criminals are expected to run from cops. Some rules are obviously edited to force-apply 2.1.

You still have a chance to 'wipe' the entire PD and run away from scene which needs to be done in less than 10 minutes. It's not always shoot and win or die and lose.

Try to enjoy the things you're doing instead focusing on the victory.
god i hate this mindset of "its realistic that cops are 1000x better run away LOL" just because its a serious RP server doesn't mean that you have to forsake any shred of fun gameplay for realism, you NEED to strike a balance if you actually want people to play, if you made your character have to walk 10k steps a day to burn off all the burgers it eats in order to not get heart disease nobody is gonna play

the strength of cops should come through numbers, which it already does - having to deal with another wave and essentially 32 cops is excessive

you CANNOT in so many cases get anything during a raid within 10 minutes - you are advocating for a server situation where it's essentially near-impossible (or simply not seen as worth it) to raid large bases which is so incredibly harmful as money becomes so abundant that it holds no value and suddenly nobody cares anymore because everyone has everything, and then everyone gets bored and the server dies

in order to preserve healthy gameplay and a healthy community, there NEEDS to be provisions in place to allow for successful raiding, after constant nerfs to raiding i think a 10 minute timer for police won't hurt that badly and will still give the pressure of time while not just being suffocating - it's a middle ground which holds up the idea that you need to run away but actually makes it possible to get shit done
at a point it just felt unfair if we weren't against the best org on the server at that time, they almost always just had no chance
This ^^

It doesn't give hope to new players. It also results in the best players grouping up into one single org.

This in turn causes:
- Orgs that hold the upper ground against all others
- No diversity
- Whole playerbase cooped up in one org, leaving new players to be fucked by them
- No reason to base
- No reason to raid
This ^^

It doesn't give hope to new players. It also results in the best players grouping up into one single org.

This in turn causes:
- Orgs that hold the upper ground against all others
- No diversity
- Whole playerbase cooped up in one org, leaving new players to be fucked by them
- No reason to base
- No reason to raid
Cops should have a 20-30 minute or even same as crims 1 hour cooldown to return to the same situation. While i personally think 1 hour is too much i am open to going to this limit because i understand the importance balance. However i think 20-30 minutes is balanced.

i strongly think this should be done ASAP as a cop main. THIS WILL ALSO encourage cops to play smarter and act like what they should. Maybe it will even make them value their lives. A lot of cops run around like chickens without heads.

This also ultimately makes the civilians dislike the cops even more and ultimately causes loss of respect.

I also think it in-directly creates more shootouts and less passive RP because it in turn again just forces players to zerg, which then forces other players to zerg.

cop main supports this
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Cops already have a 10 minute timer, if your still idling around a raid 10 minutes after you wipe out most of the PD, then its your own fault.

I will say, I am a massive cop main, and it is VERY RARE for me to respond to a situation I already died at after my NLR was done

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