TLDR: don’t change cop NLR, change cop 3.4 and 3.6
I’ll probably be saying something others have too. Sorry if so. Ill try to keep my thoughts as short as possible.
Im a civ main, I really dislike playing as any job really. Feels too boring and I couldn’t be bothered ticketing people for bs things really.
I honestly think (partly) that the NLR timer is more than fine. Raiding is already really profitable and fun. Fun is the biggest reason peeps do it anyways I hope. Bringer a longer timer won’t solve much and will only nerf coppers too much imo.
My biggest issue is with 3.4 (putting your life at risk) and 3.6 (staying alive at all times).
Unless theres a dispatcher and the whole pd force is wiped, I believe the cops can’t rejoin the scene unless new 911 is made by diff person. This was my understanding of it so far. If this ain’t correct my words might hold no real value. But none the less I’ll try to explain.
I really feel like that a lot of cops, especially the new players ones. Seem to feel like this rule doesn’t exist as cop. Ofcourse cops have to put their life at risk, its their job. Even when at terrible odds. But sometimes it ain’t realistic.
I’ll use some of my office raid defense experiences as an example. We’ve had 30+ min office raids. Where whole PD forces got wiped. Ofcourse a valid point is saying, why stay? Well thinking you wiped whole PD and having drugs going etc, you’d consider staying. The issue is that the cops when their NLR was over kept dripping in 1 by 1 again. Making it nearly endless. Ofcourse leaving the scene would be wise and solve this. But the reason cops could come in 1 by 1 was a single pistol copper, camping somewhere halfway up the stairs to office.
This dude saw all his colleagues and friends get brutally shot. But instead of (if in real life) retreating asap to see his family again, being traumatized and having ptsd for life. Never touching his batch again. This brave copper decides to stand his ground because he knows infinite reinforcements will come. Which is possible irl too if you count pds from other cities.
In my opinion the problem ain’t really the 10 min nlr timer. Cuz irl other cities and or even military would probs come to aid. It’s the camping copper who clearly doesn’t value his life. I know even if he retreated that he could still inform his respawning mates for backup. But he would likely be spotted somewhere and possibly shot (you can call fleeing and getting spotted 3.4 too but staying also).
I’d like some changes to pd with 3.4 and 3.6 not so much NLR. Cuz the peeps who mostly want it to change, wipe pd forces 4x before dying anyway. Having had their ‘fun’. Maybe not all profit but I’d think they like the fun part more. If the NLR would change it would not only nerf PD, but also BUFF raiding indirectly. Which for me personally doesn’t matter at all cuz if I lose the defense, I probs lost all shit anyway. Just trying to give some food for thought.
I know I can’t speak for the peeps (raiders) who want the NLR to change. But this is my perception of their playstyle.
So let cops actually evaluate risk/reward more and have them value their lifes. Not having a single pistol cop attempt to run into a 7 man raid, who used 2 bombs, are using nades, all have full auto rifles and also risk getting shot by the defenders who don’t pay much attention to see diff between cop an raider in heat of battle. Right now it feels like pistol cops want free shooting cuz they lose nothing other than time anyways. Which makes no sense.
I think if we change cop 3.4 and 3.6 and not NLR. Raiders actually get a better chance to escape and store weps in trunk. And indirectly giving them more action with the probs following police chases and shootings (still thinking they do it for the fun not money) later on cuz of potential warrants.
I’m starting to ramble again and probs said things multiple times, sorry for that. Be sure to leave your thoughts cuz I’m interested.