Hey guys 
A lot of you saw already that I have been demoted as Enforcer.
I wanna be completely honest with you and tell you what happened, even if it will make me look bad.
I was roaming around in Noclip as usual, and then I heard shots at Projex and went there to check it out.
After a few seconds of watching the situation, I saw my homies in Projex and then decided to drop myself off near Projex and join the situation.
There is no excuse for my actions and I completely agree that this should never happen. I was stupid and don't know why I thought it was ok to join them.
I am mad at myself because I honestly think I would be a great staff member.
I apologize to everyone for my actions, especially to @Efan @Oddy @Bnjemann @3izu @Nazeer and @Collier.
These guys were supporting and helping me so much, I feel like a dumbass letting them down like that.
This is just an apology, I am not begging to get another shot, and I do not deserve one.
I had my chance and fucked up, so I have to live with the consequences.
Nothing but love to the whole Staff Team! It was an honor to work with you guys.
Also thanks to the community for the love I am receiving every day. You guys are the best!
Much love!

A lot of you saw already that I have been demoted as Enforcer.
I wanna be completely honest with you and tell you what happened, even if it will make me look bad.
I was roaming around in Noclip as usual, and then I heard shots at Projex and went there to check it out.
After a few seconds of watching the situation, I saw my homies in Projex and then decided to drop myself off near Projex and join the situation.
There is no excuse for my actions and I completely agree that this should never happen. I was stupid and don't know why I thought it was ok to join them.
I am mad at myself because I honestly think I would be a great staff member.
I apologize to everyone for my actions, especially to @Efan @Oddy @Bnjemann @3izu @Nazeer and @Collier.
These guys were supporting and helping me so much, I feel like a dumbass letting them down like that.
This is just an apology, I am not begging to get another shot, and I do not deserve one.
I had my chance and fucked up, so I have to live with the consequences.
Nothing but love to the whole Staff Team! It was an honor to work with you guys.
Also thanks to the community for the love I am receiving every day. You guys are the best!
Much love!