Search results

  1. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Corporal Rework

    Suggestion Title: Corporal Rework Suggestion Description: Corporal is meant to be the penultimate rank that an officer can achieve before they step into the role of a supervisor. They are meant to be the workhorses of the PLPD, and amongst their most experienced and trusted. Instead, they are a...
  2. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Vehicles don't disappear whilst being driven.

    Suggestion Title: Vehicles don't disappear whilst being driven. Suggestion Description: If someone other than the owner of a vehicle is driving it, and the owner disconnects, then the vehicle will not disappear until the driver gets out of the car, or after a five minute timer, during which...
  3. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Jump combat rework and no sprint-to-shoot for long guns.

    Suggestion Title: Jump combat rework and no sprint-to-shoot for long guns. Suggestion Description: When sprinting, assault rifles, snipers, and full size shotguns will be put in passive stance, and need to be manually raised once sprint is concluded. This would not apply to sawed off shotguns...
  4. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Stolen Vehicle Insurance

    Suggestion Title: Stolen Vehicle Insurance Suggestion Description: When a vehicle is stolen, if it is then tiered before the owner can recover it, then the tier fix fee is dramatically reduced to $2500 or something similar. The idea being, you have insurance on your vehicle that covers theft...
  5. Allen Kennedy

    Map Suggestion Wheelchair Infrastructure

    Suggestion Title: Wheelchair Infrastructure Suggestion Description: Paralake is a modern city, and with v6 right around the corner, it is well past due that the city's infrastructure is updated to include more disabled-friendly access ramps, at least for public buildings, and for getting around...
  6. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Detectives

    Suggestion Title: Detectives Suggestion Description: A new whitelisted PD secondary division, with detective gear, similar to TFU and Traffic, with the primary purpose of information gathering. First and foremost, I believe for this role to be meaningful, supervisors should not have access to...
  7. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (Akagami Shanks)

    Your Steam Name: Allen Your Roleplay Name: Allen Kennedy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:50229236 Player's Steam Name: Akagami Shanks @Akagami shanksss Player's Roleplay Name: Zee Kazuma Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:712316687 Why should this player be punished?: 3.4 - Attempted to break someone out in...
  8. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Hex Code for Speedometer Colours

    Suggestion Title: Hex Code for Speedometer Colours Suggestion Description: What the title says. Allow us to see the hex code for the speedometer colours, similar to car colours, clothing colours, etc. Why should this be added?: - no more fucking about trying to get the exact same shade for...
  9. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion RC can only tow clamped vehicles

    Suggestion Title: RC can only tow clamped vehicles Suggestion Description: What the title says. Roadcrew hooks won't attach to a vehicle unless it has a clamp on it. They should also be able to clamp government vehicles, as there's no bloody way to move them otherwise. Perhaps make it so cops...
  10. Allen Kennedy

    Taking a break

    I've found myself not really finding perp much fun as of late, and it's been showing, as my activity has been kinda ass. I've enjoyed being a staff member, all said and done, and I've enjoyed hanging out with a bunch of guys on the server, but I've really gotten bored of actually playing the...
  11. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Punishment Notice

    Suggestion Title: Punishment Notice Suggestion Description: When a user joins the server, after receiving a warning/ban, they get a popup displaying the reason for the warning/ban and a link to the scambans website, which they must acknowledge. Why should this be added?: - Staff members don't...
  12. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Make cash registers only placeable near storages.

    Suggestion Title: Make cash registers only placeable near storages. Suggestion Description: Treat cash registers like chests. Make them only placeable in close proximity to a storage chest that you have access to. Why should this be added?: Right now, people are flooding bazaar and storage with...
  13. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Chop Shop Cooldown Tweak

    Suggestion Title: Chop Shop Cooldown Tweak Suggestion Description: Right now, when you complete, or fail, your chop shop mission, you wait 24 hours from when you completed/failed it last, which is annoying. I suggest making it like casino spins instead, where it will reset on a planned server...
  14. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Interaction Wheel

    Suggestion Title: Interaction Wheel Suggestion Description: There's a million and one things you can do to or for a player, and they all require different things to be equipped or in hand, and different keys, and different states, such as being crouched, having fists out, etc. Also, the buddies...
  15. Allen Kennedy

    Warning Dispute (Maia)

    Punishment Type: Warning Appeal Type: Dispute Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Maia How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable Your Steam Name: Allen Your Roleplay Name: Allen Kennedy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:50229236 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 Why should...
  16. Allen Kennedy

    Model Suggestion DNA Tool Replacement

    Suggestion Title: DNA Tool Replacement Suggestion Description: Replace the DNA toolgun with a new custom model of some kind, perhaps a fingerprinting kit instead. Why should this be added?: - No more medics pointing toolguns at stuff, which looks a bit silly ngl. - Right now the dna tool is...
  17. Allen Kennedy

    Refund Request (Allen)

    Your Steam Name: Allen Your Roleplay Name: Allen Kennedy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:50229236 Reason for Request: Feller stole my car and wrecked it, twice, which means when I went to repair it, it cost me like $16000 for the tier repair alone. Requested Items: The cash price of a Porsche...
  18. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (Daviso123)

    Your Steam Name: Allen Your Roleplay Name: Allen Kennedy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:50229236 Player's Steam Name: Daviso123 Player's Roleplay Name: Daviso Lebron Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:520858634 Why should this player be punished?: Player stole my car, tiered it because he was driving like...
  19. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Let me choose my gloves

    Suggestion Title: Let me choose my gloves Suggestion Description: Allow medics to choose their gloves colour from the lockers in the hospital. Allow firefighters to add or remove the mask and gloves from the lockers in the fire department. It also couldn't hurt to have a few more medic gloves...
  20. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion 'Soccer ball' tweaks

    Suggestion Title: 'Soccer ball' tweaks Suggestion Description: Make it so people can't pick up the football with fists, and have it so you need to hold alt, shift, and E to pick it up. Optionally, make it so you can't stand on it at all, and that if you run at it, you'll kick it instead of...
  21. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Ammunition Overhaul 2: Electric Boogaloo

    Suggestion Title: Ammunition Overhaul 2: Electric Boogaloo Suggestion Description: Yes, I know this was already denied, like a long time ago, but I have new ideas. So at its core, this would replace pistol/rifle/sniper/shotgun ammo with real life calibres, however primarily, it would streamline...
  22. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Vehicle Colours Fix, Please

    Suggestion Title: Vehicle Colours Fix, Please Suggestion Description: Right now, the Luminance value in HSL for vehicles is capped at 50, and that means you can't have a white car, which sucks. I understand why it was capped in the first place. People had colours on their cars with such a high...
  23. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Shotgun Training for Senior Officers

    Brief description of idea: Similar to how taser training works right now, where a regular officer must complete taser training before being granted access to that equipment, and must be taser certified to be able to apply for Senior Officer, I believe that Senior Officers should undergo training...
  24. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Combine car dealer NPCs

    Suggestion Title: Combine car dealer NPCs Suggestion Description: Make the premium and non-premium car dealers one person, and just have like, a different colour button for premium cars, or a little icon to the side. Why should this be added?: When I'm killing time looking at all the cars I...
  25. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (LtWolf)

    Your Steam Name: Allen Your Roleplay Name: Allen Kennedy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:50229236 Player's Steam Name: @LtWolf, @Serk Player's Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour, James Mckenna Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891 , STEAM_0:1:318835 Why should this player be punished?: 2.5 - Molotoved...
  26. Allen Kennedy

    Action Request (Atomic (To the best of my knowledge))

    Your Steam Name: Allen Your Roleplay Name: Allen Kennedy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:50229236 Player's Community Name: @Atomic (To the best of my knowledge) Player's Roleplay Name: I have no idea, @MiniRaze didn't bother telling me, or providing logs, despite closing the report after telling me...
  27. Allen Kennedy

    Server Suggestion Separate Player Names & Door Names

    Suggestion Title: Separate Player Names & Door Names Suggestion Description: Right now, you can see both player names, as well as door names, however if you wish, you can disable them in the F1 options menu. I suggest being able to enable or disable both independently from one-another. Why...
  28. Allen Kennedy

    Police Suggestion Long sleeve shirts

    Brief description of idea: Cops can go down to the armory sergeant and choose between a short sleeve shirt, (what we have currently) and a long sleeve version of it, which would make sense cause the current one is basically rolled sleeves as far as I can tell. What benefits would this idea have...
  29. Allen Kennedy

    I need someone to critique my writing. (paying, sort of)

    So I'm hoping for an open critique of what I now consider to be the finished version of Act 1 of 3 of my Fallout 4 OCS. I began writing it about two years ago and have been writing and rewriting it on and off ever since. The link to read what I've written can be found Here. Please bear in mind...
  30. Allen Kennedy

    3.25 Extension [Rules Suggestion]

    The Rule I'd like changed: 3.25 Drug Harvesting Players may not harvest drugs while being raided or when they suspect they are about to get raided if they don’t have a significant chance to escape the situation. (For example if you know you can escape you may do so with the drugs, although you...