Search results

  1. MrLewis

    Server Events: 20/07/2018

    Server Events: 20/07/2018 - Friday 5PM GMT +1 Hi everyone! Events to be hosted will be: TIME: 5:00PM EVENT: Glass Co Parker Raid Two teams, one in parker and one in Glass Co. The idea? Try to kill each other as quickly as possible with all the weapons provided for you. PRIZE: Winners will...
  2. MrLewis

    Changes to administration - 29/04/2018

    Hi everyone, Today the staff team had a full meeting to discuss matters the community wanted dealing with, aswell as other's we felt had to be changed. Below they'll be listed, we hope you're happy with the changes, of course if you have any concerns or queries let us know, have a good day...
  3. MrLewis

    Rule Changes - 27/02/2018

    Hi everyone, earlier on today the staff team brought up all their concerns regarding rules and changes have been made. These rules are now added and in full effect so be sure to check them out to gain a full understanding of them. If you have any concerns then contact either me or bolli and we...
  4. MrLewis

    Server Events - 11/02/2018

    Hi everyone! It's been a long time coming but finally the server events are making a return! As normal we will be hosting three events, all of which we hope you will enjoy. The first two have been selected, however we have given you all a choice for the third just go ahead and cast your vote via...
  5. MrLewis

    30/08/2017 - Rule Changes Log

    Hey everyone, tonight the staff team conducted a meeting and discussed the current rules and what changes should be made, below i'll list what changes have either been recently changed, or changed tonight: 3.5 - Reverted to it's original state - Specifically removed was "if a user disconnects...
  6. MrLewis

    [ph] - god i love perp #2

    enjoy skids :)
  7. MrLewis


    Hey everyone, For those who are unaware there are a group of us that enjoy getting together and playing overwatch, if any of you are interested message me on steam and i'll send you a discord link, sound lads group involves: @Creepis @jjjackier @Super_ @Pusheen @John Daymon and a few others
  8. MrLewis

    3.5 - Voice your opinion!

    Hey everyone! Recently senior administration witnessed a post created by @Slayerduck, the post essentially detailed that the community were incredibly confused on NLR and disconnecting. Because of this I decided to attempt to organize a small gathering with as many staff members as possible in...
  9. MrLewis


    For those who know me, I love this game, if you take an interest buy it and give it a shot.
  10. MrLewis


    Was a pretty aids situation at subs storage, a huge cluster considering how little of a thing it was. Testa controlled the situation brilliantly and managed to get all of the facts he needed to come to a conclusion and detain the people responsible (*cough* @Racxes *cough*). Aside from his...
  11. MrLewis

    CPU Issues

    Hi Guys, So as per somethings wrong with my PC and I've just about come to the conclusion that it may be a hardware problem. Two days ago whilst playing overwatch my CPU went from around 75 C to 100 C instantly. I stopped the game, restarted my pc and after that my temps haven't been the same...
  12. MrLewis

    Staff Applications: The Ideal Candidate

    Hey everyone, So, you're thinking about applying to become a member of the staff team? Below I'll give a few pointers of what an ideal candidate looks like: You need to understand the border between an intentional rule break and a pure accident - Understanding that fine line is something that...
  13. MrLewis

    Defences and Construction Booklet Release

    Hey everyone! So as previously announced me and @Bolli decided to post a poll asking the community if they'd favour a guide as to whats allowed and what isn't allowed in terms of defences within the gamemode. After leaving it for 24 hours the community voted for the booklet. As such me and...
  14. MrLewis

    Official Construction Booklet Poll

    Hey everyone! Some of you may know (most of you may not) that the Staff Team has been working on an official construction Handbook. The Handbook contains every base and specifically defines which defences are permitted and how many concrete barricades are allowed within each base. Now obviously...
  15. MrLewis

    Administration Form | Updated Rules

    Hey everyone! Recently Senior administration have been receiving a lot of requests to allow the community to voice their opinion and give feedback from their view of the performance of the Staff Team. Administration is a key aspect of PERP and we want to know how you guys all feel about it's...
  16. MrLewis

    Server Events: 25/03/2017 - Saturday 1:30PM Onwards - GMT +0

    Hey everyone, You guys all know what time it is, tomorrow we will be hosting a few events for you guys to take part in, prizes will be given out for winners of each event. We hope you can all make it and can't wait to see you all there...
  17. MrLewis

    My little mini-tage

    Meant to make this as a fat montage episode but didn't get around to it, so I'll just upload it as is. Hope you guys enjoy :mrlewis: :mraaron: tl:dr ignore the cringe introduction the end clip was on the test server
  18. MrLewis

    Server Events: 22/01/2017 - Sunday 1PM Onwards - GMT +0

    @ Hey everyone, You guys all know what time it is, tomorrow we will be hosting a few events for you guys to take part in, prizes will be given out for winners of each event. We hope you can all make it and can't wait to see you all there...
  19. MrLewis

    Rule Implementations | 06/01/2017

    Hi guys, Recently the staff team has been reviewing rules and have decided that some changes needed to be made, so below I'll list the edited rules and what's been added or changed: 2.9 - Text chat 3.7 Properties 3.9 Placing props 5.1 Mugging Best regards, Senior...
  20. MrLewis

    Forum & TeamSpeak 3 Integration

    Hi guys, fairly recently Fredy has purchased a new Forum plugin. This allows users to link their TS3 unique ID with the forums, which means any ranks you gain on the forums, will automatically be added to your teamspeak account! This will be extremley helpful and was a great investment, so be...
  21. MrLewis

    Melonstick Roleplay

    Hey everyone, Recently we've been seeing a lot of PH users going over to the Melonstick forum page and harassing them. I'm not going to go into full detail as to who's been doing what, cause it's a minority of the users here and we don't want to have to single any of them out for 'having a...
  22. MrLewis

    Queue Server - Rules.

    Hello everyone, Due to recent events these rules will now be placed in full effect via the queue server: 1.0 Basic Conduct rules apply. Rule 2.2, 2.3 and 2.9 applies. No usage of the tool gun in any malicious way. No spamming of props via the tool gun.
  23. MrLewis

    Server Events: 03/12/2016 - Saturday 3PM Onwards - GMT +0

    Server Events: 03/12/16 - Saturday 3PM GMT +0 Hey guys, we've decided to run some events on Saturday, sorry it's been a while since the last ones. Hope you all have a fantastic time and we can't wait to see you there! ______________________ TIME: 3:00PM EVENT: 6x6 Prize: Last man standing...
  24. MrLewis

    The Doman's

    An organisation for the 'fun' kids, to be invited find us and contact us in-game. Favourite weapon: All sawed off shotguns.
  25. MrLewis

    The Avito

    The Avito was originally founded by the following people:- Lewis Doman Ash Anderson & Ben Walker. The organisation as of today is run by Lewis Doman, and is co-founded by Aaron Doman. Anyone wishing to join is welcome to send me a PM on the forums. We're back boys.
  26. MrLewis

    I'm sorry guys

    Hey Guys, I just wanted to make a formal apology for being fairly inactive over the last month or so. I've been fairly busy dealing with things outside of the server, and whenever I've tried to get back into it something within my life has dragged me and held me back. I do however want to...
  27. MrLewis

    Aaron's amazing construction.

    An old video back from V2, back when me and Aaron had nothing better to do. :mrlewis: :mraaron: Credit to Aaron's voice for giving him the ability to do this. @MrAaron , @John Daymon , @Jordan
  28. MrLewis

    The Avito - Applications

    Name: Money you have: Cars: Age [OOC + IC]: Country of Origin [OOC]: Do you have a microphone? (requirement):
  29. MrLewis

    The Avito

    We are an Organization dedicated to lurking within the shadows of the city, making money. We aren't nice to people who wish it upon themselves, other than that we aim to be peaceful with everyone. Ranks within the organisation are very simple, the rank you're given will more or less be your...
  30. MrLewis

    Just a head's up - Read to stay updated.

    Hi guys, Just figured I'd let you all know about something considering it's recently came to our attention as a staff team. CCTV cameras are not a NPC, have not or will never be the same, you can commit crimes in front of them it doesn't matter. The same thing does not apply to NPC's though...