Search results

  1. JJannui

    F4 Org Permissions

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Add an org option in the F4 buddies list so you can give permissions to everyone in your org. Full description of the idea: Have the same options and tickboxes their but have it under 'Organisation' or...
  2. JJannui

    Teamspeak Issues

    Hello, I have this issue: I can connect to every other server, it's just an issue with perpheads. Any help would be appreciated :) Kind regards, Archibald
  3. JJannui

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Hudson Bent Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58837506 What do you need refunded: Sup. Berta (Full mag) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because I was shot invalidly causing me to loose it and the police to confiscate it. The situation was dealt with by @Smudger and a warning was...
  4. JJannui

    My 'resignation'

    !!!Play whilst listening!!! As you may know, I have recently resigned (;)). I decided to resign because of such reasons; - Getting too many reports done - Being too active In all seriousness though, I have resigned (;)) as I didn't feel as if I was pulling my weight within the staff team...
  5. JJannui

    BF4 #2

    Things seem to be all good now so let's go again lol Just a quick montage of my time on BF4 over the last week or so. Enjoy! @Walker @Creepis @Silent @Pusheen
  6. JJannui


    Hello there, So in a couple of hours I'm heading down to Heathrow airport to start my holiday. See you in a week! Bye. Kind regards, Archi I really wish I had more to say...
  7. JJannui

    How to remove VehicleType: prop_vehicle_jeep: from Console.

    So this has been a problem that most people just deal with - I was one of those people. However I have always been wondering if there was a way to remove the spam of "VehicleType: prop_vehicle_jeep:". Especially with the use of developer 1 it was very annoying when I just got spammed with it in...
  8. JJannui


    @HolyShititsDannyD So back in the day when I was a little sweater (and little kid) my days on perp generally consisted of growing in a big org and then getting salty when I got raided or lost some sort of items. This wasn't the most fun times because I only aimed to become rich. I didn't...
  9. JJannui

    Adding BullHorn to Ambulances: The Suggestion

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Add Bullhorn to the Full Size Ambulance Full description of the idea: Like all other emergency vehicles add the Bullhorn sound to the C button in the Full Size Ambulance. I prefer to use the full...
  10. JJannui


    Comfort. Style. Safety. The Execu-Driver Story Execu-Driver has developed massively over the past years since founding. Our fleet of luxury cars has been increased and our funds have enabled us to progress further into the world. Formed in 2014, Execu-Driver has managed to create a name...
  11. JJannui

    Goodbye Gold Trim

    So this issue has been experience by a lot of people yet I still couldn't find a fix. I even tried @Xquality 's Bug guide to which I was sad that it did not work. The problem: As many of you have seen my car you know that my trims should in-fact be gold. It's not a major problem however if you...
  12. JJannui

    Police Rank Forum Tags

    Topic: Add Police Department ranks to the rank holders. Short explanation (in notes): - We've all earned our police ranks so wouldn't it be nice to have the respective tag? Rather than a general Police Department one? - Could be easier for sorting forum related things out? Detailed...
  13. JJannui

    AR on [PH] PøllehornEater

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Archibald // Archina Doman His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [PH] PølseHornEater // Martino Bambino His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:75386219 Why Should This Player Be Punished: The Background______ So basically, the Mayor was failing the city and it ended up to be a mad search and...
  14. JJannui

    Fishing Adventures with DannyD!

    The Background______________ So myself and @HolyShititsDannyD were roaming around the streets of Paralake wondering what we could do. When Danny came up with the idea of fishing. So sure enough we headed down to the beach to start our adventure along with a portable, gas, camping stove we made...
  15. JJannui

    Reading Festival 2016

    So yet another year is upon and coming into Summer we've got another load of festivals coming up. I'm heading down to Reading with a group of mates to celebrate results (or cry). We're picking up results in the morning and then heading off to drown our sadness at Reading. The line up is pretty...
  16. JJannui

    Reduced Activity

    Well, not much to say if I'm honest. Exams coming up and so I ought to be revising and working towards them. I'm not going to lie to myself, I know I physically won't be able to completely quit Perp but my activity will be severely impacted (I hope). So instead of straight up quitting over exam...
  17. JJannui

    Bring back the karaoke channel!

    So times were getting pretty bland so Danny whipped out the guitar and we had a little sing song... Matt isn't actually that bad. He stole the show :( @MatStar @HolyShititsDannyD
  18. JJannui

    Ability to type/Manually enter the price of a ticket

    Topic: I feel that you should be able to manually enter the price of a ticket rather than using the slider. Short explanation (in notes): - Click the box on the ticket and type in what price you want. - - Detailed description (why should it become added/...): This has always been a...
  19. JJannui

    Seeing Medics in the Tab Menu

    Topic: Allow the ability for officers to see the medics on duty in the tab list. Short explanation (in notes): - Hold tab to see how many medics are on duty - Displays the same as the Mayor and Lt see. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Personally i feel that all officers...
  20. JJannui

    "PassiveRP" Roadcrew!

    So @John Daymon made a thread a while back about PassiveRP homes where people could show off and share their homes and apartments they had made. So why not make one for RoadCrew? A lot of people build things whilst on duty so i can't wait for the response! Here is a quick set up i made a while...
  21. JJannui

    John Romano

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Archibald // Archi Standish-doman His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unknown // John Romano His/Her SteamID: Unknown Why Should This Player Be Punished: Before i start, i am going to add a little back story. So i was a police officer and John was a road crew and within...
  22. JJannui

    Kwek Robins

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Archibald // Archi Standish-doman His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unknown // Kwek Robins His/Her SteamID: Unknown Why Should This Player Be Punished: To add a little bit of back story to this situation. So the Mayor vote commenced and i was elected Mayor however there was a...
  23. JJannui

    AR on Johnz

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Archibald / Archi Standish-doman His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Johnz / Unknown His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:62486346 Why Should This Player Be Punished: So to add a bit of background to this action request. We, the Standish Family were basing at Moron Shipping Co. to which...
  24. JJannui

    AR on Jones_Fire

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Archibald / Archi Standish-doman His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jones_Fire / Unknown His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:64836815 Why Should This Player Be Punished: So to add a bit of background to this action request. We, the Standish Family were basing at Moron Shipping Co. to...
  25. JJannui

    Spotify Albums Showcase!

    So you know what they say. You can tell a lot about people from their taste of music. So why not share? Post screenshots of your albums that you either possess, own, or even online. ONLY albums, Spotify playlists don't count! EDIT: Because of Matts straight up ignorance of this rule ;) You are...
  26. JJannui

    New PC help.

    Okay, so this has been posted before countless number of times but i am looking for a new PC. I'd prefer a pre-built in all honesty. If it would become a lot cheaper to make it myself then i would happily build it myself however could you still recommend me some trustworthy and cheap websites to...
  27. JJannui

    Fix to lost gun sounds.

    So recently a lot of people have been suffering the loss of gun sounds in their perp experience and i was one of these people. It started to annoy me and so i did some research and i have found a fix. This has worked for everyone who has tried it and so i decided to make a guide on it too just...
  28. JJannui

    Back in a week!!

    Well, gotta make this quick cause running on 3G but anyway. I'm on holiday for half term and won't be back until Friday so will probably be playing on Saturday although I have a party on Saturday night but whatever! :) See ya later and @HolyShititsDannyD ill beat ya In csgo next week!!!!
  29. JJannui

    Mr Ducky - Action Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Archibald / Brian Feldon His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mr Ducky / His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:77253761 Why Should This Player Be Punished: For breaking rules 2.5 and 3.4. Upon myself turning on my lights and signalling to the blue vehicle to pull over, i park my police...
  30. JJannui

    Crazy/Proud things you have done!

    Hello there, so i am trying to become more active on the forums and so i've decided to make a discussion thread type thing where you guys (the community member) can post stories about crazy sh*t things that you have done in your life. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, could be something you...