01-10-2015 Update log

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The update everyone has been asking for, for the longest time! Updated storage! Now you can find any item you may have never seen since that one time you had it out but then had returned to you. Enjoy it!


Features include:
  • Items are sorted by category type, then alphabetical by item name
  • Personal inventory weight indicated at bottom of panel
  • Name of the item mouse is hovered over at the top center of the window
  • Scroll bar if you have too many items to show on one side
  • Search box for finding a specific item by name, searches both sides
  • Left click - withdraw 1
  • Right click - withdraw 5
  • Drag and drop - transfer up to 100 items at once either way (limited by weight, category limit, etc.)
  • Number in inventory indicated in bottom right of item box
  • Ammo boxes are withdrawn by the most full box to least full
Was great to test this with you guys, makes taking drugs and other items out a lot easier and more convenient.

Good work @Fredy
*Uses hypnosis to try get the details of the next update* Your hypnosis skill is too low.

Well I tried good update love the new storage system anyway what is the status on the new Tutorials and FAQs are you still reviewing them?
Drag and drop - transfer up to 100 items at once either way (limited by weight, category limit, etc.)
finally i wont have to get a new mouse because of my right click button being fucked

This is a great update, something like this has been needed for a long time, thanks to Fredy for making this!

Where is the bad spelling you fat noobs?
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