
After lengthy talks within Senior Administration, we are excited to announce changes within the staff team and community. You guys have voiced your issues over the last couple of months, this is our response. The following changes will be effective immediately, all of these changes are subject to adaptation and change dependent on their overall effect in the coming weeks.
New ranks & roles:
- Community Manager
It is absolutely understood that there is a distinct lack of communication from the administration team to the community, we're often met with a lot of criticism that there's not enough transparency, there's a lack of movement with prevalent community issues and there's little being done about the dropping player count & toxicity throughout the server and forums. Our Community Manager will handle all of these aspects, leaving Senior Administration to handle the staff team and other relevant administrative tasks. The community manager will oversee server development & ensure there's a constant community roadmap in place, and that players voices are being heard when it comes to relevant community decisions and plans.
- Senior Moderator
This role is another stepping stone of progression for our staff members, this role will feature more privileges and responsibilities and will be reserved for more seasoned staff members.
- Helper
An old rank however with a slightly different purpose. This will replace the first rank you apply for to join the staff team, you can then apply for Enforcer a week later or stay at this role to assist with smaller player-related issues. This role will feature less permissions than Enforcer, and allow for community members to assist in supporting the community without having to worry about required activity requirements to remain in this role. Former staff members can also opt to reside in this role, allowing them to provide their spare time to help out without many obligations.
Event Team:
We understand that events are of course enjoyable for our players, however we are often met with impromptu games of gungame or other events on the server from time to time. It will be the job of the event team to plan new and exciting events every month, meeting to discuss long and short term event ideas. We'll discuss more in the future about our plans, however be sure that more long-term criminal and legal events/scenarios will begin to take place. We will be opening applications to fill our event-staff team shortly, so be sure to keep an eye out for these!
Other Changes:
- Enforcers have had some server permissions added to allow them to perform their duties.
There's a bunch of other changes that we will begin to implement over the upcoming weeks, development will be working at a better pace and we will be absolutely more open with you guys in what we plan to do. I should probably also state that I've been tasked with being Community Manager, I hope to create a healthy relationship with you guys and begin working toward fixing the problems that you have raised. We're all only able to put in place the foundation for these changes, we are willing to overhaul many parts of this community, however we do need a certain openness from you guys to change too.
We hope to allow for a healthier community in general, that development is more consistent, players voices are heard and administration is fair and effective.
I hope you guys can give these changes a chance and treat this as a new chapter for this community.
Thank you.