Alabin and "Hugh".

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Today, I broke laws as a firefighter, I accepted that. I had a ticket submitted against me by Alabin and Hugh something, and I refused to pay it due to not having any money, which was leading me to be arrested. Then I realized another firefighter named Daniel Panther was receiving a ticket for literally no reason, so I told Hugh that I want to talk to Alabin for it and said I am not roleplaying at the moment, he then says the words "Okay, you're not roleplaying.." and bans me forever.

I think that these mods/admins are in the wrong and I do not want to play a server with admins such as these, there are servers with better admins that do their job rather than abusing their powers.

I'm leaving, goodnight.
If you feel that you have been treated unfairly, post a Ban Dispute. Anyways sad to see a member of the community go, goodbye.

- Edit-

Wait what, stop over dramatizing things.
Ban Details
Steam IDSTEAM_0:1:46619422
Steam Community76561198053504573
Invoked on10-11-14 14:45
Banlength1 d
Last edited:
Make a admin complaint if you feel like it. And your NOT banned for ever calm down, Your banned for a day.
i was there and i got banned tooo, the admins where abusing.. zan just said im not rping now because aldin is giving ticket to me for noo reason and he asked huge. why is aladin giving now a ticket to me.. and than zan got banned because he said 'im not rping now'.... WTF -.- ABUSE MUCH !!!
It says "You have been banned", it says nothing about 1 day. No need to be an ignorant "Crow".
It says "You have been banned", it says nothing about 1 day. No need to be an ignorant "Crow".
There's a difference between over dramatizing and making a mistake. More ignorant members I see.
There's a difference between over dramatizing and making a mistake. More ignorant members I see.

The fact your calling everyone ignorant proves that you are quite ignorant yourself. Your ignorance shows that you decided to post a complaint/rant without checking the ban logs. Then without accepting your own mistake, you begun calling out members of the community ignorant. I love how in this day and age, where ignorance is a choice and we still have people choosing ignorance. Go read a book.
User has received a warning for this post- Ash
Alright, I guess I'll give you guys an outline of the situation. Gurbiee here was running red lights and performing illegal U-Turns on the intersection (in the firetruck, as a firefighter). As I was a Police Officer at the time I decided to resolve his law infringements In Character. I was going to give him a ticket then mention in looc what he had done wrong. When he refused to pay the ticket I decided I'de take him to the PD. It was then that his friend decided to get out his fire axe and fire extinguisher and tried to hit / spray Alabin, which of course is against the law. Alabin attempted to ticket Daniel Panther for this, at this point Gurbiee completely refused to role-play and broke 3.24 and 2.6 persistently. When I took the situation OOC Daniel Panther just straight up disconnected and Gurbiee here declined to participate in the situation and just started running about shouting 'I don't want to roleplay, I don't want to roleplay'.

@Gurbiee Sad to see you leave our community over such an easily resolvable situation.
well thats not true moronpipllyd because he said, right now im not roleplaying, and asked you why is albin giving a ticket to daniel panther.. than you banned him and said okay if you dont want to roleplay .

seconde of all i dint hit anyone with a fireaxe, and it doesent do damage either.
i dint know the fire extinguisher did damage and i healed you both even thougd i only hitted aladin. and ive said sorry to him...
and than he said il give you ticket..
than i dc because he gave me ticket for that bullshit reason.. you are lieing now moronpipllyd
seconde of all i dint hit anyone with a fireaxe

i healed you both even thougd i only hitted aladin.

You said you did not hit anyone with a fireaxe then you later say i only hit Alabin, you are obviously lying or i am getting mixed up. Even so if you did hit him and it does no damage, it's not the point. It may not do damage, yet that does not mean you can hit people with it in the first place does it? Make an appeal if you really want to get unbanned.
You said you did not hit anyone with a fireaxe then you later say i only hit Alabin, you are obviously lying or i am getting mixed up. Even so if you did hit him and it does no damage, it's not the point. It may not do damage, yet that does not mean you can hit people with it in the first place does it? Make an appeal if you really want to get unbanned.
ive not hitted anyone with fireaxe.. seconde of all fireaxe does no damage to people. 3rd of all i hitted him with fire extinguisher and i healed him straight afther i hitted him and i said sorry.

and i dint swing my axe to nobody's face ! i just holded it in my hand.

Now please, just wait for your ban to finish if you really care, if you don't just get out and stop making a big deal out of this
yes ash its true, i did disconnect but the fact is.
i hitted him with fire extinguisher i dint know it deals damage, ive said sorry and ive healed him back up to full hp.
than still i get ticket what made me mad because ive said sorry and healed him and i dint know about that it does damage.

so i told him if you give me ticket i will quit the server...
he dint care and gave me ticket so i left...

Now please, just wait for your ban to finish if you really care, if you don't just get out and stop making a big deal out of this
Why make an unban appeal than if i need to wait untill it end.. i wanne play now i need to work tommorow and very soon at 19:00 so i got 3 hours left to play now..
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