Map Suggestion Anti-stuck Mapping suggestion

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Suggestion Title: Anti-stuck Mapping suggestion
Suggestion Description: (I just joined a few days ago, and I'm pleased to join this amazing community, so that'll be a quick hello to you all. This is my second post the first being a bug report.)

First of all, I have to say the v5 map is amazing from a experienced mappers' prespective, so while playing it I couldn't help but notice that vehicles get stuck at some roads such as the Suburbs highway intersection, where the road is higher than the ground and some vehicels can get their wheels stuck unable to go back to the road. This usually happens when the vehicle makes certain turns that eventually will make the vehicle get stuck on that terrain height difference.

So my suggestion, for the Perp mappers on their next map version is to add invisible ramp-shaped CLIP brushes to those edgy corners/roads where vehicles may get stuck while driving or maybe even prevent player movement at some areas where players may get stuck. That'll make driving much easier and smooth.

That's it and again, congrats on your map, it's amazing and performs just great. =D


Why should this be added?:
- Improve gameplay / Prevent glitching

What negatives could this have?:
None that I can think of

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Cars getting stuck at certain areas

Useful Images:
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Also some displacement brushes get vehicle's wheels glitched through. As seen in the picture:GLITCH.jpg
Last time this got bought up in a suggestion that I remember was something something something map edit limitations but I’m sure lelios can now fix this.
There will be no overlapping displacements in v6 to cause this (or at least I think that's the issue) and sidewalks won't have this issue anymore (probably).
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