AR On Ashur

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More or less redundant now as I could care less as this was just us both doing all this over petty beef. Close or carry on investigating Idc but close pls

Your Steam/In-game Name
: [PH] St.Wylde
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ashur
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:214812816
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 1.4, 2.1, 2.5, 3.5:

Whilst I was AFK, the user either murdered me, or influenced another user to murder me for the murder of "His sister" (Him) In which he lost nothing and was attempting to mug a mutual friend in front of me. Once I respawned and came back, I returned to the apartment believing a lie he told me on steam, claiming I was murdered in a raid, which led me to make a report for being killed whilst AFK On a sofa, wasting staff time and resources trying to find out who did it. I used the keys I had to get in, where I was welcomed by Josef. I came to retrieve drugs I had on the property, which were nearly done. Suddenly, as I go to lock the bedroom door, I find my keys and storage were revoked for some reason. Josef offers to open the door for me too, But says his keys were also revoked, then timed out and DC'd.

Ashur returns to the apartment acting as though seeing me inside the apartment is some sort of threat, despite rule 3.5 stating that he's allowed to know I was living there previously and at least have the common courtesy to make an effort at letting me get my shit and go. I ask him/her/etc. to let me pick my shit and go. He keeps telling me that "Raiders took it" Even though I had just literally been in said room whilst I had keys and seen my coke plant. I tell him to stop trying to be a troll and just let me out the apartment. He says if I shout again he will kill me, Since I had a remington out, I responded, asking him to "Let me grab my shit and let me out then since I have no keys". He tries to kill me, Fails, and I end up stuck inside the apartment and get a ticket for murder and a confiscation.

The user also lied in the Admin sit regarding the situation, claiming he "Took my keys away for murdering his sister". When a previous life is NOT A relatives life. And, that said, Even if he was told I killed him in a previous life, I still had my keys when Ashur respawned after they were raided, meaning he revoked them for a previous life issue.

This whole thing was OOC revenge for me killing him during a failed mugging.

EDIT: Josef has confirmed to me that you did indeed encourage him to kill me.
Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: The demo conveniently starts when the situation began funnily enough!
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THe murder whilst afk situation:

So basically, Josef never died that time, he decided to shoot you for it and he also wanted you dead himself, you were afk for a while, whilst you were afk i died aswell, and i'm not allowed to revoke stuff whilst i'm dead, so i waited until i respawned and did it then, then you started being a little bit salty over it, i mean i can't smell you were inside already, i saw you with a remington inside, and i took my gun, in passive, saying sometimes "honestly just leave" you then started shouting, and then i said, stop shouting or im shooting you, you did it again and i shot you, you carrying a firearm was already enough for me to shoot you in the first place, Josef's keys were never revoked, he maybe wanted you in, but i didn't and i owned the apartment

NOTE: I can explain further on TS to whoever's handling this!!!
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*I was involved don't warn*
Okay so from my point of view you killed Ashur after he tried mugging me as a joke, me and Vincent both survived and Vincent said he was going to kill you. Once we got to the apartment I told him to attemp and mug both me and you through the phone so it made it look like he wasn't targeting you as I didn't want to be involved with it. Also I would like to mention once we got into the apartment from bazaar you did mention something's about you killingAshurs sister. So in turn both me and ashur wanted to have Vincent perform the act as he was the only one really willing to do it, so we were texting each other back and forth planning it due to the fact that we SAW you kill ashur the first time as a vigilante in your own terms. So Vincent killed you. Ashurbanipal had almost nothing to do with convincing Vincent do kill you as it was nearly all me.
You're missing the point of the AR and talking about a different situation. If you looked at the demo, This report is about stripping my keys and not letting me out your apartment, then trying to kill me.
You're missing the point of the AR and talking about a different situation. If you looked at the demo, This report is about stripping my keys and not letting me out your apartment, then trying to kill me.
You never asked to leave my apartment, i never revoked your keys in the way of "hey i can fuck him over" I revoked them when i RESPAWNED, cause i am not allowed to do it dead, and as @Super_ said in the sit, i am allowed to revoke the keys, and i attempted to kill you cause 1. you had a FIREARM inside MY APARTMENT WHERE YOU WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE IN AFTER ASKED TO LEAVE, and then you started SCREAMING
My last comment to this AR:
If you guys feel like investigating this go ahead, but he knows as he stated when he said close it, i dont think i did something wrong, and if i did, it was all pure accidental.
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