Ban Request Paralyzed

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Jazz said:
Shortyzz;n24684 said:
I'm getting sick and tired of this guy. Can a admin please resolve this. He is ruining my and my friends rp situations ingame.

Stop blaming Paralyzed for this shit. Me and my mate were walking past city shops and one of your org accuses us of planting a stove down; So stop trying to get us in trouble just to get Paralyzed banned.

The mugging cannot not be used against him. Me and my mate were apart of that so if you have a problem go make a seperate ban request. The only thing you need to discuss here is what Shortyzz is complaining about.

Also Short the quote above is you complaining about us apparantly "ruining" your RP situations while the whole of our org had been in a suburbs house the whole day? I guess being on the server must ruin it for you. Stop coming up with useless BULLSHIT and stick the point why you posted this request. Anything else can be included in another.

- Jazz
@ jazz ehm... i was not a part of that muggery. it was bonzoo and a other friend of him that experienced it. cant say anything about it.
He stopped playing on the server so i guess this ban request can be closed by a admin now?
Lets point this out that saying +/- support does not affect an Administrators decision whatsoever. Also its impossible to freeze/move an explosive with the physgun. There is also no rule stating that you cannot use any explosives to open doors during an raid. Ban request closed.

//Closed and moved
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