Bean Can's 7th enforcer application

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PERPheads Enforcer Application FINISHED EDITED.jpg

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:61173726

AGE:14(15 in May)



For those of you who don't know who I am I have included an introduction. Well anyone who doesn’t know who I am my name is Bean Can and the reason why it is this because people inside of this community said that my mic sounded like a bean can when I speak. I have been within the community for almost 2 years and running and I entered in the community I was considered a complete minge. I have been called a filthy rule break and a minge multiple times and some people feel that I shouldn't be included within the community. Ever since I was banned last time I looked back at my old mistakes and I have learned from them and I ready to enter the community fully following the rules. I have been involved in a lot of passive RP recently and a lot of staff members can say that I have improved a lot.

My RP:
Obviously I am trying to get staff on a serious RP in order to hold this I should be involved within the community as a good roleplayer. Recently I have been getting involved with a lot of passiveRP and I have tried to improve my RP to the best of my ability.

An example of this is you may see this advert ---- Come to regal apartment (X) come and speak to a professional psychologist we deal with drug abuse and PTSD.
I have been involved in RP situation with Riddle where we end up RPing as news reporters @GraveDinosaur
@Prepper . Most people know me as RPing as a criminal in which I really don't mind being referred to that just most people think of me like that. I have been recently thinking of ideas passiveRP and ways that I can provide passiveRP or getting into a serious situation. I have been getting in passiveRP a lot more and I feel that I should RP more passively and recently it is really all that I have been doing. I have been trying to be as active as possible within the PLPD and most of my time on the server recently has been me being a cop or trying to go cop.

Also recently, Prepper and I have been working on the wildlife police department but recently he has been in-active on the server so I have to wait for him to return before I can continue that.


I am currently one of the most active members of the community and nearly every week I get an extra day playtime. The last time I have been able to check I had 93 days’ playtime and more than likely I have 95 days’ playtime on the time of you reading this. Also my playtime isn’t me just sitting around growing drugs or raiding. Recently I have been getting involved in situation where if I am AFK or not active the situation will not go far at all and more than likely it will be at a complete stand still. I am also on the TS nearly every day and I am also wanting to talk to people and help people out.

For the forums I don’t make that many posts I am also on the forums nearly every day and I am mainly talking inside of the shoutbox.

Any staff members that feel that I could hold this position?
There is not really much but there are a few staff members that feel that I can hold this position and hold it.
@Hayden - He helped me around a lot and +supported my previous enforcer application.

@MattIs - MattIs and I have been friends for almost 3 years now and he feels that I am completely trust worthy. He even stated in my first application he feels that I am one of the reasons why he is a moderator.

@Murtsley – He +Supported my 5th application and he talked about how I have improved a lot and he feels that I truly deserve this position within the staff team.

@Shaun – He has +supported my 6th enforcer application and brought up a lot of points on why I should be enforcer.


I know for anyone who has known me for some time, some people feel that just for my history is just too bad for me to become an enforcer. I see where some people get that I have had really bad experiences involving me following the rules but that is resulting because I never really toke the server serious. Recently I have been RPing seriously and I have been fully abiding by the rules. I know that people may not believe and that is true more than likely most people would not take me seriously and that I shouldn’t ever get the chance. For an example with @MrAaron he had a very bad history to and he had a second chance but in this case he ended up abusing his powers. That is why I included the promises section further down my application.

I do have a lot of warning and bans on record but most of them were from middle to near end of 2014 and in 2015 you might be able to see the spike slow down and you would be able to see my improvements. In 2016 I haven’t gotten a single warning or ban and I know I am not going to get one because I have improved so much I think that I can uphold a position as an enforcer.

Am I serious?

This is an answer that can be answered in two different ways 1. Simple 2. Complex. I will answer them in both manners

To start with, yes this is 100% serious I feel that I have fully learned from my previous mistakes and I can fully hold this position.

To finish off, I have been playing on the server for almost 2 years and most people would more than likely turn me down and feel that I not a serious player. Recently I have been RPing and getting into very good RP situations (Not just shootouts). I have moved away from me RPing all the time as a criminal and I have moved towards RPing as something civil and to be frank generally something that you would see more often IRL then a guy driving a Bugatti with an AK-47 on his back.

I am very serious about me becoming an enforcer and if I were to get this rank most of my time on the server will be going to this role. Of course if I were to get enforce I would be going for moderator and if this were to happen I would spend a lot of time doing reports.


Most of you already know that I live in the USA and I take this more as an advantage then a disadvantage. I am typically online a lot later than most people who live in Europe because of a time zone difference. As @Shaun is also a moderator and because we live near the same time zones we would easily be able to work as a team or just generally work together. Even as he said in my 5th enforcer app he said that I know the rules to a great extent. I feel that me having nearly the same time zone as him I would be able to work alongside him.

On the other hand, some people might say that this is a disadvantage to the fact that I won’t be getting on early but this is true to a sense. While I may be getting later then a lot of other people I get on whenever I have the chance and currently that I have nothing really major going on in my life. I typically getting on at 7 AM EST which is 12 PM GMT and usually I would get off at 9PM EST which is 2 AM GMT, which means most of the time I am online fairly early and get off fairly late.

Even Shaun brought this up on my last enforcer application stating that there are never any staff on late at night when there is still 20-30 people on and if we had more American staff members or people who live in those time zones a lot more people reports would easily be handled

Why you?
So here is a big question of my app. Some people may say why exactly you out of all players should get enforcer. I feel that I should be accepted because I feel that me out of all players can represent proving that no matter how bad your record is you still have the chance to RP and be taken seriously. I feel that me out of all people can truly prove and help out players within the community. People can confirm that I have helped out a series of "sweatervests" such as @Hayden can confirm and MrLewis can confirm that I will try to help people as he gave me a sweatervest to help out. I even given a few people who are new to the server 10s of thousands of dollars to new players. As I stated before that I try to take the price tag out of the picture for passiveRP. Such as when I RP’d as a psychologist I made it free to use my RP service.

Also, Whenever I am on the server I always try my best to help out in help chat and help people in general. I am a very friendly user within the community as long as you would like to seek help I am willing to help you out. I am also a very friendly person over all, I never hold any grudges against anyone and if someone ever asks for help most of the time I would try to help them.

Have I been a staff member on another server?

Yes, I was an admin on @MattIs server around 1+ years ago. Also I was a gamemaker on another community. Some people are probably wondering “Matt what is a gamemaker?”. To explain it in simple termed I was a senior admin who’s only job was to make event for the player base.

My involvement in the community?
I have helped out admins a little bit with their admin sits and helping them out with whatever they can. I also have been trying to upload AR if I feel like I need to. On the plus side I am also trying to help out with rules that are not really been enforced. Ex. I feel that all rules in this community should be enforced and that I would like to help enforcing this. (Stated from my old application). I also have been RPing as a psychologist and I am trying my best to show the good side of passiveRPing. Pretty much whenever I can I get involved within passive RP. I am also a senior officer within the PLPD and I am a police dispatcher.

I have been helping out people whenever I can. There are very few moments when there is a time where anyone does want to get helped out though. I am willing to help anyone who is willing to seek it. Also when I am brought into an admin situation I always attempt to help the staff member dealing with the situation (Try to make sure that there isn’t nothing but screaming).

- I am usually calm and cool headed (It is hard to sometimes tell but I am usually very calm in OOC and in admin sits)
- I am always fair, me being a staff member means that I need to be able to be fair and unbiased.

- Patience I will always be a patient staff member.

- Calm I am mostly calm most of the times that I play on the server and whenever I am pulled into an admin situation in anyway and I always be reasonable and never get myself out of hand.

- Friendly – As stated from my other enforcer application a lot of people can agree that I am really friendly. For the most part I am willing to help out anyone who wants help and I am willing to talk to anyone who wants to talk to me.

- Helpful – If I were to ever punish someone as a staff member I will always make sure that they know what they did wrong and how they can improve. I will also make sure that they did mess up in a way so that they know what to do next time in a situation.

Promises:These are a few rules that I abide by in this position.
1. I would always act in a profession manner at all times and try to make sure that I don't go off track.
2. I would NEVER abuse any powers given to me in this. I wouldn't just use my powers to get a few laughs.
3. I would NEVER be biased at all in situations. I would always listen to both sides of the story and I would not pick a side cause my friend is on it.
4 I would always own up to my decisions I would never lie or try to get out of a situation that it was my fault. If I messed up I would admit it and learn from my mistakes.
5. I would never do 2 of the same mistake. I get that if I became a staff member there is a chance I would make a mistake and I will own up to it. If I make a mistake I would learn from it and continue.
6. Patience I would never attempt to force an admin situation to end and I will try to resolve the issue within the admin sit.

7. I will never get out of hand under any situations, I would always make sure that I am able to always make sure that an admin situation is always a situation that would never get out of hand.

8. I will make sure that people would learn from their mistakes and make sure if I give someone a punishment it will be for the good for them and the server.

9. I would demote a lot of my time on the server to doing administrative activities and I would always remain active.

My improvement from my last app:
We are not confident in your ability to conduct an Admin Situation to the standard that is required. That is the reason why I was denied last time.
I have tried to prove and improve that I can handle a "Cool head" within an admin situation.

Your time played on the server must be at least one week. I have almost 3 months playtime.
No recent in-game bans and warnings on record. I do not have no recent bans or warning on record. I do not have any recent bans or warnings on record.
You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them. I do know the rules and laws to an extent where I can enforce them. henceforth me joining the PLPD
You must have access to and use a microphone. I do have access to use a microphone.
You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server I am on TS when every I am on so basically every day.

The final and real question that will be answered:
Everyone might ask why do I want to become an enforcer. I want to become an enforcer because I feel that I can hold this position within the staff team. I want to become an enforcer because this is truly the only community I have even been active in and truly I love this server’s. I know that you may say that I have "no life" but currently my life revolves around perp. My life right now is like 1. Wake Up 2. Get dressed 3. Go to school. 4. Eat lunch. 5. Go home do homework. 6. Play perp for the rest of the day (REPEAT). I want to become an enforcer because I feel that I can easily hold this position and will be able to hold it very well. I want to become an enforcer because I feel that I have fully learned from my mistakes in my history and I am becoming a better member of this community.

I feel that I should be accepted as enforcer because I know the rules and laws to a great extent and I can have some staff members confirm that I have improved a lot @Murtsley. I want to become an enforcer mainly because I truly care about this community and I will be able to help it stay in-shape.

ARE YOU ACTIVE ON THE TEAMSPEAK:Yes, as stated within the requirements section of my app. I am on every single time I am on the server.

If this application gets get denied I would try to see what I would improve on. If there is anything that I can do to talk or prove that I am very serious I would do really anything. Other than that there is no additional info.

Other than that thank you for anyone who read my application!


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This is a well written and structured application! It shows that a lot of effort has been put into it and shows that you are really dedicated to receive the Enforcer rank.

I have seen you helping our in Help chat. Or helping out anyone In need of assistance.

Overall I'm going to be Supporting this Enforcer Application

Good Luck

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United Kingdom
Well its certain you are dedicated to getting this position.

Bean can you are a great guy, just not sure how good you would be handling sits. I am optimistic for you though bud.
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Parts Unknown
'As a staff member you have to be unbiased' ~ Good joke :kappa:

But honestly from what I have seen of you, you seem like a really nice guy and a great RP'er, however when it comes to admin sits I agree with Walker I'm not sure how good you will be at it; I guess that's the reason of the enforcer rank though I guess.

Best of luck mate!
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Bean Can... To be honest I can't believe you haven't been accepted yet. I think you DEFINITELY deserve it and it just shows how dedicated to the community you are, making extremely long applications and this is your 7th one. One of the most friendliest players of the community. @MoronPipllyd, please get it over with and just accept his app already.
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South Wales, United Kingdom
Your applications are always top notch and your role-play is amazing. After being involved with you in many Rp sits i truely believe that you would make a great enforcer, all you need is the chance to do so.
Your very helpful to everyone, your active and fun, overall i believe that ypu will be great and thats the reason for my Support.
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