Change Explosions to Break Wooden Props

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: Change the explosion logic so that wooden objects get broken ("break to gibs") and get sent to storage.

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • More realism
  • Easier to attack with explosives
  • Less clutter to get trapped in after explosions
  • A smaller number of thicker props may be used instead of a larger number of thicker ones, increasing FPS
What negatives could this have? (cons):
  • Harder to defend against explosives

The downside for that would be there’s no gib effect for the concrete barricades in the base game or in CSS /HL2E1/2 content.
you clowns when your base gets bombed and you see 200 matchsticks heading your way
honestly I didn't actually read it and I thought it destroyed them permanently and I still supported this

bombs have been way too weak for way too long & this is a really good move to combat some of the more "creative" base designs that we tend to see cropping up nowadays, and I mean it's pretty easy to make money by basing anyway so this should even it out somewhat
Bombs are used to raid. A base with 3 people with vip just growing weed in it can make about 54k every 20 minutes between them. If they dry coke leaves or cook meth alongside this, they can make a fair bit more than double that cash. Bombs should remain the same cost Because fuck everyone’s almost 1 way 2 inch wide gap portholes their camping a single door behind.
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You put into perspective how jobs and other methods of making money, some involving more Roleplay, and compare that to money you make sitting in an apartment full of barricades and planters not talking or interacting with anyone outside your base beyond a single NPC and org members, and you’d realise its astonishing that people could suggest ideas to make growing any easier than it already is.
On top of this, making bombs more expensive would mean nothing to rich players, and would further limit the game mode and make raiding further off the charts for newer or poorer players.

Realism ----------

Siting more realism is dumb because if you're gunna make it so this bomb breaks wooden props then why not make all of Woods Cabins destructible. Why can't I blow a hole in Office or bring down the whole office building or even disable the Office elevator with the bomb. I get you want realism for the server but there are gunna be so many instances where that "realistic" mechanic is gunna destroy my immersion and realism because it doesn't do everything. I understand the source engine can't do everything but that should also stop you from implementing updates like this where it is counter productive in the name of realism.

Easier to attack with explosives ----------

If by easier to attack with explosives you mean nearly impossible to lose a raid with explosives unless your brain dead then yes, it will be a lot easier. In fact, it'll be OP and I'm 120% sure you'll regret this and backtrack on this update d00d. Nobody is gunna wanna base if every base is easily defeated and don't give me the "Think creative when you make a base and it'll work!" because we're talking about perp players dude. Not Einsteins with 160 IQ and a degree in physics. (<-----Get it? Get it? Get it? Get it?!) So now people aren't basing and nobody to start shootouts with or shootouts happen at a much, much lower rate. Newer players who are past the "can't raid me because i'm a sweater" stage and have probably caused problems and enemies with other people/orgs are getting raided at a 99.999999% defeat rate and they leave because they no longer can prosper like they once could. On top of all this as if not getting new players wasn't enough, the PD are getting bored and they decide they want to take a break because they're highlight of perp was to shoot you darn criminals (Gee, what a shocker...). And so, because you guys decided this was a great idea because "Hey! The community voted on it and thought it was a great idea!" the server starts to die again despite this amazing tickrate update you guys put in. As if community is always right about what they want and never wrong about what they actually need.

Less clutter to get trapped in after explosions -----------

Let me get this straight. You said something about this update is great for realism before, and you thought "Hmmm, getting trapped under rubble from an explosion is so unrealistic." It's totally not like the world trade center when that terrible, terrible thing happened not too long ago didn't have many people trapped under rubble. Before you maybe start the joke about this one, I'll do it for you. "Where is my Trapped Under World Trade Center Rubble roleplay at bro?! I wanna roleplay this! Stop ruining my immersion!!!"

A smaller number of thicker props may be used instead of a larger number of thicker ones, increasing FPS ----------

Sure bro. I'll give you this one. I don't know much about this but whatever. You got it. I wonder if there is a golden star emoji I can give.
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