Change Explosions to Break Wooden Props

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: Change the explosion logic so that wooden objects get broken ("break to gibs") and get sent to storage.

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • More realism
  • Easier to attack with explosives
  • Less clutter to get trapped in after explosions
  • A smaller number of thicker props may be used instead of a larger number of thicker ones, increasing FPS
What negatives could this have? (cons):
  • Harder to defend against explosives

I really like this idea but what if someone is in s1 and someone bombs their windows. They just have to put up with being shot from gas station?
Never thought I'd ever say this on something Ashur posted but I'd rate winner on this post if I could
Not grenades. It would be the function that is used for timed explosives, remote explosives, meth explosions, and possibly vehicle explosions.
Just revert the bombs they were fine with how much damage it did.
C2 Included, Seeming as that is technically a smaller version of Remote explosive?
yo bro get the 9th airlock down we need protection bro
Same lol, although even this post is ironic, considering yanno...