change the gunplay

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Description of the idea: Change gunplay in such a way where armor would actually stop a bullet and a headshot isn't an instant death

Why should this be added? (pros):

look honestly i know that a '1tap' is realistic, but on a server with a tickrate averaging on 18 and most people having a ping between 100 and 200 shootouts dont revolve around who has the best pushing strategy, or who uses teamwork but who can glitch his headbox away fast enough to ontap a person while having the server act as his lagswitch. i'd suggest some mechanic similar to warzone where you actually need a few more bullets than just one to be able to kill someone. it would make gunfights a bit more forgiving.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
you can no longer 1tap people with rifles or pistols
my whole point here is that they shouldn't be based on 'onetapability' because of their high caliber, but on that it would make gunfights much more fair and fun. the engine being shitty here is also a reason
The engine isn't the problem, the code probably just uses a hook for when someone takes damage and checks if the hitgroup is the head. If it's the head, then just scale damage a lot. Would explain why the PPK doesn't always one-tap.
rate of fire will be king, pistols will be worthless, cops will be massacred, and people will tank hits while running away at full sprint.

Mate no, the head shot is the equalizer, making it so people can tank shots does not make things more forgiving, it takes away that equalizer

- supper
What the fuck even is this suggestion? Cmon, even if this gets implemented, you’d fucking hate it. I don’t want this to be like other shitty RP servers where I literally have to headshot someone 4 times for a kill and all pistols are essentially useless.

As for armour, armour also works just fine. Regardless of how effective you think it isn’t, it still gives you a huge advantage over other players. Police officers are supposed to utilise numbers and equipment, such as armour, to their advantage.

Nerfing guns is the last fucking thing the server needs at the moment, as there’s still weapons that have no real reason to ever be used other than because you got one from someone else and you wouldn’t care to lose it.
well fuck that this is a roleplay server stop complaining about how guns work
Pistols are literally pocket snipers, being equally as good as a rifle in range and accuracy makes no sense at all. How does a 9mm or .45 acp pistol do the same damage as an 5.56 or 7.62 rifle on far distance? Pistols always been good on perp and just a cheaper variant of the rifle. Since everyones marksmanship levels are maxed to 85 pistols are literally snipers. Pistols shouldn’t do so much damage on range, from close yeah sure but from far distance it doesn’t make any sense that a pistol can do so much damage compared to a rifle. And people moaning about “perp is to emulate real life not fucking cops and robbers”. Well in real life you don’t get 1 tapped either, from 1km away with a pistol or that pistols do the same damage as a rifle. Nerfing pistols would make TFU more useful like before, as of right now I see little shitty baretta cops do more damage with their 9mm pistols and kill more people than TFU themselves, with their 5.56 caliber rifles getting their heavy gear fatasses carried by a pistol cop in shootouts. Doing this will encourage cops to apply for TFU and give use more for TFU. At this point I see some of my org members use pistols more than rifles because they’re simply as good as rifles and cheaper, making rifles useless when you can use a pistol like HK45 CT or OTS for cheaper and being able to do the same damage as a rifle.
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Should keep pistols how they are mostly but make them do less damage at longer ranges and maybe more spread, but only in a way that would affect long range shooting. The M9 In real life has an effective firing range of 50 meters.
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