change the gunplay

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Description of the idea: Change gunplay in such a way where armor would actually stop a bullet and a headshot isn't an instant death

Why should this be added? (pros):

look honestly i know that a '1tap' is realistic, but on a server with a tickrate averaging on 18 and most people having a ping between 100 and 200 shootouts dont revolve around who has the best pushing strategy, or who uses teamwork but who can glitch his headbox away fast enough to ontap a person while having the server act as his lagswitch. i'd suggest some mechanic similar to warzone where you actually need a few more bullets than just one to be able to kill someone. it would make gunfights a bit more forgiving.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
you can no longer 1tap people with rifles or pistols
I'm sorry but this is probably the stupidest suggestion i've heard yet, I completely understand why you wouldn't want to be 1 tapped all the time but seriously? This has nothing to do with glitching a headbox, its all to do with pre-aiming and aim. Furthermore pistols would become useless which would lead to every cop screaming saying that their beretta is 'useless' because it will no longer be a very cheap sniper. I rarely see issues with hitboxes, latency and shit yes fair enough but removing 1 tapping wont resolve this. I would probably quit gmod bc it would turn the skillbase completely upside down and those who have good aim wont be rewarded for it. It will turn into cod which in most cases is whoever shoots first wins and perp will just become any other darkrp server pvp.
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