[CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

4 patients that have the virus are currently being kept 11 minutes from my house.

I live and commute around central London so the chances of it spreading here are very high.

I've also got a weakened immune system so count as vunerable along with the elderly and such. Even mild flu is really dangerous for me.

Not to mention I'm at one of the most diverse Universitys in London and we have a lot of Asian students who have just returned after traveling home during the half term break last week.

I've ordered a mask from eBay, mainly for anti-pollution but also because I encounter foreign people daily walking around coughing especially at work, and would rather not breathe it in directly.
The question is just how well a mask will work, in the long run. You would also have to wash your hands constantly and take a lot of other precautions, though be careful.
Swine flu was before my immune system was weakened by the anorexia
I've been ill recently too so helps me stop spreading the shits
If anything it helps against colds and shit, people literally sneeze over the counter at me at work it's crazy
@Tilin Not really, neither of the viruses are very deadly (To people with normal health at least). The swine flu had a fatality rate of around 0.5%, corona is around 2% (As of now). By the time the swine flu had infected 100K people it had killed 500 ish
Right so due to nostalgia I occasionally visit the old Perpheads website, @Duffy is the best just saying boys. Anyhow, so I saw this post and as I am studying Microbiology and it was of interest to me, I want to say in the kindest way possible none of you have done research; so I shall get on to why the disease is a threat now this not to cause hysteria or what not just to show that governments are not overacting so I shall do it in list form.

1: The mode of transmission is airborne respiratory droplets; these are the ones that are best at horizontal transmission. Furthermore, it has a horizontal transmission of 2 and 1/2 which an exponential growth, thus it is stably transmitting and the cases will go up rather quickly.

2. Severity, someone posted unless you're a granny you have nothing to fear; yes it has a mortality rate of about 4% you may be thinking of nothing to fear but if it infects a million people that's 40,000 dead a lot of people scale that up and it's not a pretty picture. Here's the kicker though, it's been known to kill healthy adults, not just the 'usual' at risk people like the elderly and what not.

3: It is one of the sneakiest bastards in the universe; it has a very seemingly random and at times dangerously long incubation time, 2-14 or 0-24 days that's really not good as someone can slip through the net as it were with relative ease. Furthermore, it affects people differently in that some people can barely notice they have coronavirus, although this does not mean they're not infectious, so people don't even know they have the disease and spread it.
There was also an apparent case someone developing coronavirus twice, no that is bullshit from the media the individual at hand simply came up negative for an oral swab however came up positive for an anal swab, meaning his farts were infectious so the oral swab in some cases is inaccurate.

4: World trade will suffer, I'm not an economist but sufficed to say this is not good for world trade so due to scarcity prices will most likely go up.

5: For the love of everything holy stop calling it just a flu mainly because it's not caused by an influenza virus, just not accurate at all.
The stock markets are fluctuating so much at the minute due to the coronavirus, XAU/USD dropped massively a few days ago due to the first American dying. People need to be careful when they're trading because they might get fucked over
Oh forgot, the idea it was man-made I personally think is utter bullshit, due to them already finding the reservoir of the disease, those markets for the discerning individual who wants to eat a koala or something (that's an inaccurate hyperbole it's wild animals not livestock). If it were man-made the use, I'd think of would be biological warfare and to use a coronavirus with these characteristics would be silly all you'd do is infect your own troops. You'd want something infectious (not good enough, measles has the same mode of transport however its horizontal transmission is 9 that's insane one person can infect 9). Something that would come and go quickly and so not become an epidemic, as all you'd do then is infect your own soldiers and thus incapacitating your own force, so you'd want something with a quick incubation like 2 days and a short infection period which overall coronavirus has none of these.