I'd like 2 thank @Husky for laughs @Gimic for curry and a asshole the size of parker tunnel @ZecrazyScotsman for messing around everyday with me @Racxes for not helping me in my time of need @Tom Hill for saying sorry for abusing @John Daymon for banning me over a dare @Fredy for picking up his phone for me @Bolli for ignoring my steam messages @Sgt.James for always saying no to unban me no matter what it is @TinySlayer for threatening to ban me if i talk ooc again when i was doin nothing @SC3 Gazzy gaming for being a fucking meme @ErmakDimon for sounding like a 4 year old and screaming over u when trying to explain what happens in situations @Madda for asking me about my infected finger @Jordan for telling me to phone NHS/24 at 1AM @Creepis for being my cat @Medulla well some ppl know what i say about u
@atomic_wizard for not knowing what slander is @Super_ for abusing and getting demoted but chris can abuse and stay admin ;( @Daigestive for being funny and a scary man who tickles my butthole @CodezBlack for showing me the ways of the force @KILLER for being a friend then going to rimlick jarheads atleast they don't need toilet paper now got big Bojing to lick their shit off @Exrobite for helping me understand perp @Taylor for being funny and hiding his cit hack for that long @LordTyla for being a hard nut @Speedy for thinking cause he's a carrot he can shout at ppl and trying to be hard @Adrish for being a wank @Feng Yamaguchi for trying to rape that small child in the forest @Cody Garrett for being the best hacker @Janice for sounding 12 and would never skip the red lights what a pussy @Smudger for letting me off with 3.4 @Carrot for never talking to me again after I said fuck off sorry btw @Logan Finch for being shit and getting banned 21 times @Jimmy Gerrard for being my non talking lover my cock feels soft now @ayjay for being a good officer and same for @D3V Don't think i'm getting unbanned now 
For anyone who wants some welsh talk add me here

For anyone who wants some welsh talk add me here
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