Death Howl's Application

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England, Norfolk
STEAM NAME: Death Howl (<M^G>)

IN-GAME NAME: James Anders

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:25805596

AGE: 19

COUNTRY: England, Norfolk

I have always strived to help the community the best I can almost everywhere you can see me pitching in to help both players and staff members. During my last application I have stepped up my game being the most hardest job Lieutenant. After being on this job alot of the time I have seen what is needed for a Enforcer and hopefully earned the respect of the Staff and fellow players.

I have been in many admin sits helping out both the staff member and the player because to me the Players bring the community and the Staff brings the finest Perp server there is. I have as i said been in admin sits but I have always helped both sides and I always listen. As a Lt I have been in alot of possible rule breaks but I know the line and since a few slip ups I have never crossed it

In my beliefs the little details and good experience helps resolving a situation. I generally do not care who is there I treat everyone equally and hope they do the same to me. I am one of the most active Supervisors currently and I always push to make the server a better place for everyone.

As a Enforcer I should go out and make sure every rule is followed to the letter no matter what excuse. My past positions on other servers including Clockwork and Nutscript servers gives me the experience to look closely and determine where there is fail rp and how to deal with it.

I am well known for not punishing rule breakers because I prefere reforming them and step one is always about understanding the rules they broke and why they are in place. But i know that reforming will not always work and I am willing to be harsh or whatever is needed to make sure that they will not break the rules again.

During a time when I recently became a supervisor Jordan sent out a bit of a harsh message out and then apologised for it. I went over and told him that sometimes you need to be harsh long as it benifits everyone and gets the message across. But I am only harsh if I need to rest of the time I will be happy to help out and give my verdict.

Activity on the forums is as important as being on the server in my opinion and that is why I am almost always on the forums unless I am sleeping. You will also find me in ban requests and appeals making sure both sides know what rules were broken and how it could have been avoided.

To be an Enforcer you need these values

Insight (Good knowledge into rules)

I have followed these most of the time ever since the first time that Owner looked to me and said "You could go on my server and give these to everyone to make a better community". That server was mine and alot of players home and I boosted it all the way to rank 94 and that was when I knew this is not the only community I could help.

I have made connections with alot of people and some just like that owner will back me up if I ever need it. That is what I call respect because what I done for them was something even I did not believe I could do. I joined this server to see what was out there and if they would need me.

I have stayed here for sometime now and made it my home and while there is alot out there that I like to take a look at. Perpheads is my home now.

ARE YOU ACTIVE ON THE TEAMSPEAK: I admit being rarely on it mostly because there is barely anyone to talk to.


I have 1 ban and 2 Warnings and you can confirm that if you like. I am proud to have one of the cleanest records here but at the same time not proud that I still got them.

Yes this is my 5th application and I'm getting close to the record but If I knew that I could not be an Enforcer I would not be here applying.



In order for your application to be considered you must meet the following requirements:
  1. Your time played on the server must be at least one week. 3 Weeks right here
  2. No recent in-game bans and warnings on record. I can't even remember my most recent warning but I know it is not recent enough.
  3. You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them. I know how to enforce the rules but it is if the community trusts me doing so.
  4. You must have access to and use a microphone. 2-3 Year old one pound headset taped together but still works.
  5. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server. I would but teamspeak is mostly a ghost town So I rarely go on but I will increase my activity.
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United Kingdom
Sorry but its a -Support

  • I don't see you enough in help chat
  • Hardly met you in game since you came back
  • Unsure of your rule knowledge
I would recommend getting involved in the community more, hop on ts and speak to people


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Middle East
Well from your application I can tell that you are very eager to become a important part of this community and sometimes this ambition could lead you to greater places, but the best way to use ambition is patience, because patience is the key virtue. From your application I can tell that you have no patience, so I advice you to begin to be patient with these applications.
  • Your lack of patience is going to remove your chances of becoming an Enforcer
  • You say that you can help the community, but you show no form of action, you can still help the community without a rank.
  • I was able to avoid a ban by speaking to an admin and explaining my situation in Teamspeak and you are unable to be active on it, so if you ban someone wrongly he will not be able to explain himself which is unfair.
  • You have not been seen in the game for a long time.
  • You will have to show us more than just words, because a lot of people are talkers with no action.
Of course I believe that everyone deserves a chance, but you cant do nothing and expect something.

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United Kingdom
BIG - SUPPORT. One of the worse LT's I have ever witnessed. He was randomly shooting at Swat thinking they were civilians with guns.
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Has to be a neutral from me I am afraid. I rarely see you help out in the /help chat, maybe that is just me, and I dont see you much on the server. I know your law knowledge is of a high standard, however, your rule knowledge I haven't had a chance to witness.

Good luck with your application.
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England, Norfolk
Has to be a neutral from me I am afraid. I rarely see you help out in the /help chat, maybe that is just me, and I dont see you much on the server. I know your law knowledge is of a high standard, however, your rule knowledge I haven't had a chance to witness.

Good luck with your application.

Thanks Danny I have been trying to pull my activity back after applying for a few jobs but I will be on more often. The days i am not usually on is Thursdays and Tuesdays due to me doing voulantry work. You are completely right about my knowledge of the Laws compared to the rules, i know the laws better due to them being easier to memorize. I have been in a few admins sits and I think you were in one or two I know that you may have been there with the RC ramming my car.

I have been helping out including picking up a few sweaters and showing them the ropes but I have not done that recently. Help chat wise I only respond to it when I can and it is rare when Im an LT. I thank you for taking your time to give your opinion I admit this application was slightly ruined due to some. As for the Argument with Billy I told him that he had no radio meaning no idea why I fired at the SWAT but I told him if you want something done about it take it to Supervisor Complaints.

I admit to firing at the SWAT but only due to miscommunication I was not aware of their location but this is the only thing that has gone wrong for me as LT. One action cannot account for many, See a man once and you will catch a sight into who he is See him many times and you will know who he really is.

Again thank you all for responding to my application and I am sorry for taking anything against you, Job centre has been breathing down on my neck. I thank those for supporting me and those who did not I hope in time you will trust me.
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IKEA - Northern Europe
Honestly Death Howl at this point after hearing stories about you I do not feel that I can trust you in the rank of enforcer, it may be slander or something from them but it's still the way they explain everything that makes me wonder if you're honestly ready for this position as it is a really big step.

Also I haven't seen you on for the last days and I agree to some extent that my activity has not been the best last week but I've been on consistently the last 3-4 days and there on I've not seen you nor heard you and there is usually where I just keep on noclipping for an hour looking for people who apply for enforcer where I try to get my view on their roleplay.

For now -Support, this might change in the upcoming days if you get active and you can prove that these people are wrong.
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Its a country not a company, you can play like monopoly, I mean what the fuck do you think this is? A job? You ain't getting paid son, being too serious like Prepper won't get you in anyone's good books, players will learn to hate you because you become a snob thinking you know better than everyone else. Relax. Be more laid back. Have fun. Don't be prepper.

I don't perceive my actions as excessive. Certain people seem to have difficulties in terms of decision making.
A healthy balance between roleplay and banter is what separates PERP from other less serious roleplay gamemodes such as DarkRP/Semi-seriousRP.

People should cherish and embrace the possibilities of PERP (SERIOUS ROLEPLAY). When I first joined the community (PERPHeads) on the 16th of November 2013 things were slightly different. As the years have passed I've seen a worrying tendency develop. Some people are now actively attempting to implement a non-serious approach towards the server.


I usually take server rule 2.1 into consideration when interacting on the server. Why? Because that's what the server/gamemode expects from me. It's utmost simple to play in accordance to the server rules. I've been around for nearly 2 years and I have 0 warning(s) and 0 ban(s) on record. Furthermore, I used to be Moderator because I wanted to improve people's serious roleplay experience by enforcing the server rules. My rule knowledge is extensive because I care about PERP and I care about the community. PERP is NOT real life but it aims to EMULATE real life. That's a simple requirement/task.

Being serious about the gamemode is NOT an obstacle. I interact with many staff members both IC'ly and OOC'ly at a daily basis. We get along and banter takes place when it's appropriate or even beneficial to the ongoing RP situation.

The Coding Developers and Mapping Developer are actively trying to improve people's possibility to play in a serious RP atmosphere. They put a lot of effort into the server. One of their many goals is to improve Paralake Police Department by implementing certain features such as Supervisors, Dispatcher etc. This will hopefully result in a more professional/realistic conduct among LEOs/Citizens.

The majority of people would admire and acknowledge you in case you put some effort into your roleplay. PERP is about character development. Get a background story and get known within the City of Paralake. My character, Bob Nixon, is an elderly male who allegedly fought in the Vietnam war. I get extremely positive feedback and multiple recommendations because of this. I don't do anything to actively try to get recommendations. I simply play in accordance to server rule 2.1.

Personally I don't think that I know better than everyone else. My advice to you @Death Howl is:

I mean what the fuck do you think this is? Semi-seriousRP? You ain't getting paid son, being serious like me will get you in most people's good books, players will learn to like/notice and acknowledge you because you become a dedicated roleplayer thinking you have the potential to aid the purpose of the gamemode. Relax. Be more laid back. Have fun. Don't be narrow-minded.

You have the potential to become an enforcer. You're active, you have a lot of experience, you're police supervisor which means that you've an extensive rule/law knowledge. I've only had positive experiences with you IC'ly/OOC'ly. Take my advice into consideration and good luck with the enforcer application! I'm glad to see that you've put a lot of effort into the making of it.

+Support (Leaning towards Neutral).
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The Senior Administration team do not currently feel you are ready for this position, in order to improve for future applications we suggest you do the following:
  • Work on your conduct when dealing with situations that directly affect you
  • Prove to members of the Administration team that you have the rule knowledge it takes to become an enforcer (this can be done by actively using Help Chat and contributing to Ban Requests / Ban Appeals.
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