Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

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Main Idea: Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

Full description of the idea:
TFU will be able to choose between 2 armor sets. One set of armor will be the current set of armor and will decrease their movement speed. Somewhere around 20-30% slower compared to civilians thus making them slower than civilians. This will allow civilians to run away from tfu and also will be realistic.

Tfu can also choose to equip a lighter piece of armor giving them the current movement speed, but less armor obviously.
Full armor would be the following:
  • 100% armor. (the current tfu armor)
  • 20% less movement speed compared to civilians.
  • Head armor
The light armor version would be:
  • 70% armor.
  • Normal cop movement speed (So faster then civs)
  • No Head armor

Why should it be added?: The current state of TFU is not balanced and it needs to be balanced. This should be a decent update in order to balance tfu. Tfu will be able to choose between playstyles because one set of armor allows you to be more mobile while the other one will make you less mobile but have a shit ton of armor.

Almost every suggestion gets denied I believe that straight up says ''decrease tfu armor''. I believe this might be a very good alternative to the whole nerfing tfu thing.

Different ways to ''play'' tfu.

Tfu gets nerfed.

*Other additions: If a tfu is wearing full armor and their armor is destroyed or damaged below 70% they will still have the movement speed debuff.

Even though this might be plpd related I believe that more people check the perpheads forums compared to the forums. Therefore I think it's better to discuss this here.

Note: I still believe that the following should be discussed:
Full armor tfu will have head armor
Light armor tfu will have no head armor.
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Ironically I wasn't responding to you, you just assumed I was attacking criminal RP. That's your issue, I don't think you're really in this for positive change - You just like a good ol' argument and that's a problem. Constructive responses is what I've been seeking for the past 6 months, but we've had a bunch of people attacking the PD and turning actual discussions into aids-riddled bitch fests.
I got told the statistic a week ago and remembered it, saw someone ask for statistical information and gave it. You must be kidding. Also, have you read my post above? Have I not already pointed out that police related issues in relation to criminals will be fixed soon? Or does that not fit your ideology of "it's us against the PD". Grow up.
I was never against the PD neither was Dom. We've been here long enough to experience both sides even being zerged as cops by Olsen rims. There is no nerf the pd mentality, you're just underminding us for not having a purple rank or sharing an opinion on how to help a struggling server.
I was never against the PD neither was Dom. We've been here long enough to experience both sides even being zerged as cops by Olsen rims. There is no nerf the pd mentality, you're just underminding us for not having a purple rank or sharing an opinion on how to help a struggling server.

I share the same opinions of many people who predominantly play criminal, I'm not too sure how you could assume otherwise. Is it because I run the Police Department, or because I help run the server? Change is something we want too, we're not happy with the current situation either. I've addressed many points, both publicly and privately, but sadly I can't wave a magic wand like you assume I can. Having such an aggressive, non-constructive and mob-based mentality wont fix anything Daigestive.
I can't respond to every single message people send me, it's not just you complaining about this stuff - Why not look at what I've said, such as wanting to introduce light armour, such as restricting TFU patrols, such as wanting to implement new features for criminals? Is that me undermining you, or your viewpoint? No, it's me wanting to fix the issues presented by a bunch of you - Just because I'm not always responding to you directly, does not mean I'm ignoring the issue.

You've shown how absolutely ridiculous you can be, just by your last few post - Why on earth would I waste my time responding to someone who reacts like that, and expresses their "constructive feedback" like that.

I'm here trying to solve the problem, and right now you're being detrimental to that.
Thanks for the reply,
Let me just stay the following:
I play criminal and Cop and have been TFU for ages. From the beginning that TFU got added I've considered TFU unbalanced.

I love these one sided nerf tfu topics, because they are never about balancing and always about giving crims an even more easy time. They have already nerfed/fixed the head armor, removed contruction booklet for cancerous bases, then nerfed the van, then nerfed the deployment policy and people are still crying because TFU is the one obstacle left to turn every LEO into a GTA NPC to run over or shoot on sight for fun.
Are you saying right now that TFU is balanced or..? If no, what would be a good way to balance it out then according to you, because every suggestion that gets made regarding nerfing tfu gets disagreed by you instantly to my knowledge.

I believe this suggestion is pretty balanced compared to other suggestions which are saying that they need to nerf TFU armour completely

To my knowledge construction booklet definitely makes it harder for raiders (includings cops to raid), however now a day a TFU would breach the door and not rush in and just sit outside forcing the crims to rush out instead. And when people do rush out there is most of the times a TFU ready to spray you down or a remi cop to one tap you. Let's say you do make it out you will then be greeted by a sniper who is outside ready to snipe you. The last bit should be relatable for you.

Nerfing the van was all about balance.
If you think it was okay for someone to be in a vehicle which is can only be destroyed or disabled by a M67 grenade then I find that very weird. Especially if the driver only drives around and tries to run people over constantly. That change was necessary in my opinion to eliminate that horrific playstyle.

Deployment policy got nerfed which would not even affect TFU that much in my opinion in general. Now there are allowed to be a maximum of 2 TFU on duty unless, justified. With that being said 2 tfu could be in gear right now while the other possible 2 tfu their response is delayed because they have to gear up. With that being said I do not think this was such an impact on TFU.

Take into perspective that most shootouts are actually lost by PD and that the win rate is like 25-35% at most in big shootouts. We're already at the point that charging into a apartment is completely pointless because there are 6 people aiming AK-47/101 to the single entrance behind a massive cancerous defense structure. In addition getting a actually full TFU team of 4 as trained with almost never happens because there aren't even enough TFU's that play / aren't playing anymore.

But, with the right mindset isn't that the smartest thing to do so as a criminal? Sit in your apartment where you have cover and wait for them to peek you without cover. Even though there is a ''massive cancerous defense structure'' how would we fix that? Bring back the construction booklet? I don't think that would fix that issue, because even though there was a construction booklet I can remember a shit ton of times where cops did not push in.

Your suggestion about nerfing speed would cripple TFU even more if they would try to go into the apartment death trap that is already nearly impossible to win. That is why i disagree @Jonah
It would definitely cripple TFU more, and yes going into an apartment could be deemed as a death trap. But if you wish to maintain your speed then go for the light armor option. Also, tfu does not even push in apartments now a day they breach the front door and hold it or occasionally peek it. So basically currently they are already avoiding the ''death trap'

Thanks for your input :)
edit: spelling
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