Different Levels of RP?

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Alright, this is just a simple question - What type of RP is PERPheads?

Honestly, there's people who RP seriously, like use /me commands all the time and just act realistically. But everyone RP's differently, very low people SeriousRP/PassiveRP , a lot of AggressiveRP(Which I do not take seriously because most of the time, they could kill someone and just laugh about it, not caring at all) and some people who talk about OOC related IC and it just makes the title "SeriousRP" a bit stupid to put in.

Now this isn't a beef thread and I'm not saying all of this is bad, because I do AggressiveRP too, but the mix of people killing each other not caring, some people actually seriousRPing and some people almost not roleplaying at all makes PERP less "roleplay".
Voice your opinions on my thread, and again, don't get me wrong, I don't want a beef since I do AggressiveRP too.
If you don't like how you play this server then just don't play it.

And what type of RP?

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In all honestly I play this for the cops n' robbers aspect to it. I don't necessarily enjoy anything else but that's my opinion.
It's PERP, or Pulsar Effect Role Play for short. PERP means 'criminal'. So there is a lot of criminal RP. I don't have an issue with it because it is fun for me. In the meantime you can do passive RP like opening a shop or something but it isn't really worth it because IDK if you noticed but selling burgers for 2x the price in a bazaar shop isnt very tempting. It's what ever you want it to be. I believe PERP should be more serious but it's kinda in the 'OK' zone ATM. My two cents on the matter.
Let's just raise some points here.
  • Suggestions
    • If you make a suggestion to improve passive role-play, it's going to get denied. An example of this would be this post: https://perpheads.com/threads/radio-channels-new-fix-please.15780/ it was denied yet it's something that is needed to be fixed.
    • Also, you can't get many people to role-play properly. The game mode itself' and the communities thoughts on the server are to be cops v robbers. I will name a few who did excellent role-play and had a good time until they left for whatever reason/a ban etc. @Prepper @LordTyla . Prepper is an extremely good role-player.
  • Certain people
    • As you can see, we have someone who decides to be an annoyance. "If you don't like how you play this server then just don't play it." - @Cody Garrett . This really does show a lot. There isn't much role-play on the server, it's just strict ass rules with very little features which are for those who do passive role-play, for example setting up a coffee shop. You can't, because a) no one will come b) everyone is too busy doing drugs c) you'll get raided d) police will interrogate you because you're not normal compared to everyone else e) nobody likes passive rp on here.
    • That basically sums everything up along with @Feng Yamaguchi 's post.
How do you expect anyone to roleplay a criminal lifestyle on the server? The rules apply to everything you do because it is up to "admin's discretion", and if he think you're a retard, you get the ban hammer real quick.

Back in 2014 it was some proper criminal RP. Drive-by's, actual threats and action etc. Now if you threat someone you might even get banned for 1.1 and 2.5.

I was not on the server in 2014, but i can safely say that when i joined the server for the first time i witnessed some of "proper criminal RP" For a long time, it was the reason why i kept playing, the org wars and all, it used to be so much fun.

When i watch at the orgs now its gone to shit. Every criminal is each others friend, and all the higher skilled and rich players team up to fuck the newer players. The alliance between your org feng, and the paralake pengiunship killed the wartimes and created a city where its rich guys vs poor guys, or rich guys vs the police daily.

Its just a shame to see where the org world is going, i really hope that this will change in the future
I like the "Cops and Robbers" side too , I cant see myself running a coffe shop or stuff like that and the most passive rp thing ive done is selling guns tbh
Though, it would be nice to see like a coffee shop or something, and have a relaxed, somewhat normal passive roleplay going on in there. I like seeing homes that are fully furnished with actual furniture, because it looks like it just fits in. I can't say I do any good roleplays myself, and I can't change how other people roleplay, but I just want to say, to maybe anyone who isn't entirely focused on destroying new players, that we could use a little diversity when it comes to roleplay on the server, and just the city in general. Set up a unique shop or have some kinda roleplay event would be nice.
I think there's been a big mis-interpretation of what people actually want to RP as. A considerable amount of people prefer that Criminal RP, others prefer PoliceRP, others prefer Passive RP like trapani pasta. Although it's a PERP server, there's no designated RP way, the players choose that themselves, which I think is fine but many others disagree and may think differently. My personal preference, is Criminal RP with a bit of Police RP.

I think the RP for criminals is quite strong, however, with rules in place may restrict them from going full ham with RP. I understand why some rules are put in place to preserve that aspect of gameplay and just not straight up ruining others fun but it would be nice to have a little change on that.
RP in this community is very different because of the game mode, this normally springs because of the benefits you get out of doing certain activities, in most cases this refers to the money you make from drugs and basing as it's mostly a bore to go do legal jobs apart from when raids and some investigations are happening. Me for example I've been doing continuous passive RP for at least three months, out of those three months I spent two weeks running my casino and stopped once I earned a decent amount of money. I highly respect other players who come up with interesting ideas like fish mongers and restaurants because it shows that not everything has to be sitting in a condensed room all day watching virtual pots enlarge themselves. Beyond this reasoning, in general it can be a very fun experience RP wise, typically for the more seasoned players of the community, as I do get the feeling that a lot of new players are shrugged away, and with the new police system, people are losing interest because they're not willing to apply for the government job. When it comes to making drugs for new players this can be very difficult and repetitive which normally bores them. This is because they either get raided due to them not having a secure group of friends to defend with.
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Well, In my opinion, the reason for players not passiveRP'ing a lot is due to the low possibilities , if you want to have a house with furniture and stuff, what will you do ? Just sit on a chair and get raided 24/7? So there's nothing really to do if you want to passiveRP a normal life because all orgs can do is craft and grow, there isn't a possibility to make food and business warehouses aren't used to produce anything so that's probably why CriminalRP is also high.
PassiveRP is just impossible these days. I set up a fish and chips shop, had 1 customer and 5 people that were messing around and ASSUMED I HAD DRUGS BECAUSE I HAD A CLOCK.
Then they raided me, found nothing in the back and found PLPD officers arresting them.
PassiveRP is worthless today because a) Nobody wants to participate b) You get raided all the time c) People think you doing PassiveRP is a coverup for drugs in the back room
And every PassiveRP sit for me ends fairly much the same.
I remember we were filming a cooking show with @MangoJuice in regals, had a lot of expensive items dropped, including pumpkins. Someone took an officer hostage, then a shootout came, then some guy just ran into our apt (our stupid bodyguard left it unlocked) and shot Mango and mugged me and took all the dropped items.
I don't like AgressiveRP because it's a one-side sit. Do you enjoy mugging defenceless people who actually make something fun and useful? I think you do. Do we? No. Same comes to raiding.
Some guy with 5mil could mug you just for fun and make you lose earnings of a week or more.