Do you think the PD should revert back to its former self or a similar version of it?

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Im not saying, implying, or have any direct confirmation or denial that the PD is or is not returning to its pre whitelist state. I am simply starting this discussion thread to get the ball rolling on discussions that our future chiefs of department can take note of.

As some of you might know, the PD has taken some huge decisions all so suddenly lately, this includes:
- Expansion of the command teams
- Reforming of the Chiefs of Department and recruiting more.
- The return of People Services as the face of the PD.
- The Monthly / weekly trello reviews
- Return of positions such as Head of Dispatch, Lieutenant of TFU, and secondary Lt positions for all the old Genops divisions.

Eventually this could lead to more Ideas which could make the PD “more serious” like it used to be. Competent police? Sounds great! But…

When the PD required you to gain huge amounts of experience and demonstrate very fair capabilities to simply achieve the rank of senior officer, or even when it took at least a week to simply attain the rank of officer, this bought on difficulty with attaining the role. Difficulty that required effort to overcome. Effort takes time to achieve. Achieving in something takes time. Time. Time is something some people might not have. People who Spend time to achieve also need to put effort into doing so. Time, effort, energy, all required to achieve, what was such a lowly role on the server. This can be stressful. Now, if you’re still following, we‘re
on the main point here now: Stress.

Sometimes, the PD could be a pretty stressful experience if you took it seriously.

I found achieving TFU, IA, and almost every position and division I’ve been in and held, all to require effort, which in turn, stressed me out. I’m not the only one like this.

Numerous unnamed people I’ve spoken to about their PD careers and infractions and the likes, demonstrated that achieving these positions or acquiring them to begin with, and in some cases, maintaining them to be stressful, anxiety inducing, etc. Stress isn’t something we want people to feel playing this.

The community in itself has began its long de-stressing process awhile ago to make the community a friendlier place to be, this sped up especially when @Efan got community manager, where Efan touched on long standing issues within our community. From rewarding content creators with perks and completely banning racism and sexual acts in all ways, shapes or forms, Outside of being in the PD the only real distress you can receive on perp rulefully that you don’t bring upon yourself is losing large amounts in muggings. Within the PD you can shoot someone in a shootout who didn’t necessarily have a gun up the moment you shot them and low-key worry that you’ll be asked to explain why you did it 4 days later at the very least of your concerns. Sure, knowing an IA on you is invalid alleviates this, but how do you know an IA on you won’t be mishandled? You simply (From someone who’s a part of it) as an officer outside of it have any solid faith that you won’t be receiving further action for something you did.

Another issue with having the PD becoming a huge focal point:
The fate of your gameplay experience is not only not solely dictated by server staff, but people who would never be considered for staff.

IA, CC, and command teams, whilst almost comprised entirely of staff members at the moment, isn’t always. In fact, this time last year few command members were staff. When I got command for TFU I wasn’t staff, nor even eligible for staff seeing as I had just talked my way out of a community wide ban for 3 days of toxicity a week prior. Sure they can’t ban you for 3 months or actually stop you playing the game, but if someone who focuses on playing police only cannot do so, what option do they have? You might as well just have them off the server. Now I’m not sympathising as most people who lost roles and ranks probably deserved it, but as head of TFU I’ve found that the majority of people I demoted from TFU ended up leaving the community almost entirely, because they had adopted this position around their whole Playstyle.

Its no secret that people being removed from PD positions makes them lose interest in playing at all, especially not to senior administration who are aware of this being an issue.

Whilst I agree with removing people from positions that they cannot hold without causing issues with other peoples game experience, removing these people who main these positions from said positions kills their interest in playing the server at all for that matter.

Because we rarely have anything new for the general playerbase to do, people removed from positions they played the server solely for at that point have nothing they haven’t already tried or have interest in trying anymore.

I’m a firm believer in sticking to what we’ve got and making the most of it but Full whitelist ERA of PERP felt like PoliceRP and anyone who wasn’t a corporal+ or in Olsen just felt like they were playing as simple NPCs for Olsen and police to interact with.

Finally, self explanatory point:

Few new players are willing to take the PD seriously at all, most just drive around, grow drugs, play jobs unseriously or just come on to minge.

Few take the server and RP seriously, why would they take the PD seriously? The reason the PD stopped fully whitelisting was because the novelty wore off and almost everyone who cared about the PD had already achieved as far as they were willing to go.

Tl;dr: In my opinion a full whitelist is not something that would benefit the server. I see no issues with anything @Tyla Jai has done since becoming chief that aren’t outweighed or at least counterweighted fairly with the benefits, so don’t get that implication either.

Also, off topic note for you guys; No, I’m not going for chief of department, deputy chief, or most likely any positions that will open in vacancies if anyone’s promoted to chief from an existing command position.

Also no poll, post your opinions and stand by them you cowards!
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Not really, I guess 'full whitelist' refers to when you had to go through a somewhat lengthy, but not necessarily hard, application process to become an Officer and was then somewhat difficult to rank up.

You had to complete two written stages and you'd then be given the rank of Probationary Officer (I can't remember if you get PO after stage 1 or 2). Then you could gain some experience by patrolling with higher-ranked officers but wouldn't have access to a gun or a vehicle before doing your stage 3 which was a practical stage on the academy server where you would respond to a few situations and would be assessed on how you handle and resolve the situations.

This was then changed to have a more simple application which is now in the form of an automatic multiple-choice test.
The whole process was agitating for me and the fact I had to redo it as my first infraction as I was accused of insubordination of someone who wasn't even on duty at the time was fucking irritating.
@Benj yeah the trainers on my first stage 3 were fucking around the majority of the time so it got a bit annoying at times. I also lost a mark on my written stages because I said you had to make a report if I see someone breaking rules and failed to specifically call it an "F6".....

Was a bit overly serious but I did quite like the idea of it, just not that great in practice for a gmod server

> Be me
> Join PD
> Play PO for a week being grilled for every minor mistake I make whilst receiving 0 praise for doing good.
> Get PM about academy session
> Attend 30 minutes prior on TS and wait
> Get pulled into channel
> Told server IP and password
> Join 10 minutes prior
> Arrive at server
> See entire academy team in TFU Gear 1v1ing in PD
> Go on duty
> Go to armoury
> Cant use firearm, as my academy rank was PO
> Get told to do it without it
> Get rushed to car to respond to incident despite being early for some reason
> Traffic stop
> Succeed
> Go to emergency
> TFW no bandages as I was rushed to my car for no reason
> Fail that as I have no bandages
> Shooting incident test
> No gun, arrive on scene and crouch behind car yelling for them to surrender until trainer shoots them both
> No barricades as I was rushed to car
> Session ends
> Failed because no bandages and barricades and because of other trivial bullshit I wasn't taught like how I didn't immediately announce myself as I stepped out of a marked police car or something 50 meters from shots fired which I did because I had no gun.
> As I'm being told why I failed academy staff resume PvPing with Grenades, spawnmenus and TFU Gear.
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In the absence of an opinion or insight I won't consider changing my opinion on if making the PD an ultraserious job sim 2021 at all.
nobody has suggested any changes in how people join the department? I think it’s a bit of a general consensus it should be as accessible as it is now. The changes you’ve mentioned over the past few weeks have encouraged more people to join in and be part of this. The same reasons the chiefs have stepped down, more of the community can get involved. These drastic changes you suggest/don’t suggest may happen would be very difficult to implement as it’s not supported by the community.

@Efan has done a fantastic job with the points you’ve mentioned too.

I like this point a lot. It's the reason why I'm Patrol Command, I like to fight for the little guy
I'm just getting the ball rolling now for peoples opinions on a rewhitelisted PLPD before its inevitably bought up. I figured with people running for the position of becoming new Chiefs and overseeing the PD in the most uncertain times PERP has faced before, its better to get this discussion out of the way now.

I'm not at all opposed to change and I've complied with all recent changes to the PD, even the optional ones solely by choice. Its just that with new chiefs this issue will definitely be bought up to them a few times, and I figured we should get everyones opinions on this matter beforehand.

I don't want PERP to be anymore stressful than a serious RP game should be for anyone who wants benefits such as non-supervisory/command PD ranks or to be a successful crimRPer, and to warn of what I feel could be dangers to our community and playerbases general desire to play here.

My other concern is if the PD becomes too in depth to a point where other main aspects of the server are paled in comparison, then we go from one of the most feature-packed City Roleplaying servers to a somewhat lacklustre PoliceRP Server.

I feel as though for the general playerbase, the PD should be taken as seriously as all other aspects of the server, but no more or less so. In this post I've tried to bring up every single con I can think of being an issue if the PD were to further expand than currently directly planned to and for people to either disagree or agree with my statements to allow the next chiefs to see peoples general opinions on these matters.

Tl;dr: OP is a Provocative thread to bring on discussion that's healthy and necessary especially given the amount of command vacancies that will be filled by next weekend, including chief ones.
Yeah it’s a good discussion point but I don’t think there’s any concern to be worried about how people will join the department. I myself am against it being restricted. I think everyone should be able to join and have a go. All these previous things you say in jest about your experience was all trial and error with getting things to how they are now.

I like your point about the stress, that’s the whole reason further command employees was discussed, it shouldn’t be stress, it should be just a game! The PD was too in depth before, it’s balancing out quite well from what I can see from a lowly senior officer role.
Something that was mentioned time after time after time whilst I was command was this exact idea. I didn't see a need to reduce it to 1 LT at all.

Ideas like this were shut down immediately with just the same response again and again.
@Jord The issue is to some people it becomes less of a game and more of a hobby, if you understand what I mean. People (at one point myself included) Take interactions and how people view them within the community to heart, and take pride in people's approval of them and their actions in game and within the community. It sounds sad as fuck when its written like this from the outside but as someone who at one point felt this way, I can't help but sympathise.