Do YOU think the server is being pushed too much with 'realism'

Do you think the server is being pushed with too much realism?

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Now, don't get me wrong because I have only been around since late April 2017, so I'm not exactly sure what the community was like before then in terms of playercount and cancer.

I think as the community grows, more things need to be taken into consideration regarding breakage of rules, etc. I think the problem is that a lot of people try to bend the rules, and that affects a large playerbase. Ex: Raindancing. I think it's quite obvious that running back and forth with an assault rifle in your hand and still being able to hit a target spot on is completely and utterly unrealistic, thus falling under the rule of Realistic Actions. However, by people still raindancing, it caused a massive outburst of salt and people still raindancing. Because of this, the rule about raindancing basically went away and was never really enforced, although clearly it was not realistic at all.

Now, rate my post dumb if you think you can raindance irl and I'll come right back and ask for a video of you doing it, or anyone doing it for that matter. It cannot be done. Right, let's move on.

In the United States, a law can no longer be enforced when it does not meet the standards of the public. For example, if a new law is passed or an old law is still around, if the public does not react well to this and fail to abide by the law, cops can't just arrest entire cities of people at once. This law is no longer enforceable, and therefore should be removed/changed in order to meet the general public's needs. I am not referring to specific people in the public, but the general public as a whole. (Don't come at me and say heroin is a huge law that is broken because that is broken overtime, and not a huge portion of the public break that law.)

Ok, now to my final statements. Perp, from what I have seen, has gone downhill in terms of realism. I think people are more focusing on themselves rather than the roleplay of other (YOU RUINED MY IMMERSION). If you look at videos of DOJ RP on FiveM, you can see actual roleplay. Specifically, if you watch a certain video by Bay Area Buggs when he drives a tank around town, he specifically states it's just not realistic and that it ruins the roleplay for others. On Perp, people focus more on "How can I get shit tons of money" or "How do I do this to benefit myself, even if it isn't realsitic". If the community as a whole, or just the general consensus of people start thinking about not only themselves but the roleplay of others, I think the community will altogether be better and become a gmod server that isn't cancer.

I'm not saying you can get rid of rulebreaks as a whole, and I'm not saying you can make the server 100% realistic, but little steps go a long way. There are always going to be little kids or teens with no life that want to go on gmod servers and just troll for absolutely no reason, and there is nothing we can do to stop it besides make F6's and ARs. However, if the regulars on the server just start thinking more towards realism and roleplay standards, it could lead to some awesome situations that make the entire community benefit.

If you rate this post dumb or anything negative for that matter, please either comment why or reply to me because I would love feedback.
Results coming in with 43 votes for 'Yes' and 31 votes for 'No' - nearly as controversial as @Husky's dads hairline.
honestly if you spent a day with me you'd find out this server really isnt serious rp if you know the rules
I am not going to be the guy who says "It is an RP server so it has to be realistic." There are times when little things are ok but then there are other times when things can be counted as unrealistic. Which is fair but at the same time if it is a little thing then it can be a piss take.
Someone was shit talking me outside my shop for 10 minutes I got told it isn't wise to start a fight over it irl u would I don't walk outside my house everyday to see a bunch of 12 year old autistic screeches by children with m4's I don't go outside and get my gun taken for misfiring o fuck I don't live in the us so I don't have a fucking gun shop in my spare room I don't get grabbed by a physgun when someone doesn't get their own way I don't get a fucking 9 year old come up to me going pwelpd hunds oooop or ull shuuuut u and I don't see the police getting shouted at saying ILL MAKE A IA ON U I don't know what the fuck this server has that includes realism 0 passive rp unless being taxi and getting fuck all and driving around getting wank pay is "realism" not enough shit for ppl to want to be firefighter mostly minges go on as medic as they are new and can't go on as cop to rdm make more passive rp and make more fun than a game of fucking cops and robbers
We need to transform perp into a clockwork server, with text chat only. Here's why:
  • No more yelling in chat
  • At first you can only be a citizen but you gotta apply for making drugs and owning guns, this will create less bitching about getting raided.
  • You gotta finnesse the admins for privileges just like in any CW server.
  • More passive RP since you'd have to apply for litteraly everything, including walking and breathing.
  • Cops can kill and search whoever they want and kill them at will like the combine. Finally the police will control the city propperly and there will be less IA complaints because everyone would leave the server before 2 hours of playtime because they cant rimlick olsen and other gay organisations. These people are pushing for less realism because they think running arround with an AS-50 in your hands is transporting.
I rest my case.
We need to transform perp into a clockwork server, with text chat only. Here's why:
  • No more yelling in chat
  • At first you can only be a citizen but you gotta apply for making drugs and owning guns, this will create less bitching about getting raided.
  • You gotta finnesse the admins for privileges just like in any CW server.
  • More passive RP since you'd have to apply for litteraly everything, including walking and breathing.
  • Cops can kill and search whoever they want and kill them at will like the combine. Finally the police will control the city propperly and there will be less IA complaints because everyone would leave the server before 2 hours of playtime because they cant rimlick olsen and other gay organisations. These people are pushing for less realism because they think running arround with an AS-50 in your hands is transporting.
I rest my case.
permakill and 24h character creation limit please