Punishments are already being handed out by staff for people showing up at shootouts and spectating.
Slaying, warnings and bans included.
It's just sad to see that people would rather sit on the sideline with a chance of getting shot in the head, and complain about it to IA or in an AR.
It literally makes no sense.
Any person who sits on the sideline and acts like this is at an absolute loss of brain cells.
If a shootout was to occur in my area, or right on top of me. Instead of driving away in my mini, I'd abandon it there and run on foot considering I'm more maneuverable than a vehicle, I can also take temporary cover instead of sitting in a car, static.
Not to mention that plenty of times I've cuffed suspects who then started complaining to me and yelling "why did you restrain me?" while walking in front of my gun. It tilts me to no end, it honestly makes me want to shoot them in the head. (Obviously I can't, I'd receive a whooping from IA)
In one situation I restrained two suspicious people at the slums gas station, they both were lingering around the scenes recklessly driving, I was later holding a window in my sight in order to provide cover for the paramedics and officers holding the perimeter. The two suspects behind me started complaining and walking around like I explained.
At one moment a suspect inside slums with a gat turns up at the window shooting at my fellow officers, and I could do nothing because both of these people were standing right in front of me.
At times I wonder if people completely forget this isn't CSGO instead of a roleplay cops & robbers server.
Stop being this kind of person, if you are one or have done this in the past.