Don't be these guys please.

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At almost every gunfight you have these people just standing around looking at it, please stop. It is extremely annoying for PLPD to see if someone is a foe or just standing about. In addition you're breaking 3.4/3.6 by doing this. Here is a example of people not just looking at it but literately standing in the line of fire not giving a fuck. They were not warned but simply moved away, i was actually hoping staff could act more aggressively on this kind of rulebreak.

Funny thing is, it's always these lads who complain the most about being shot whilst unarmed in OOC.
I moved some people away for standing around in a slums shootout even though they heard multiple shots and saw a dead TFO, they were pretty angry about me moving them away :(

Please don't try to pull a MrAaron by stealing guns mid/after shootout. People like this trigger me so I might just respawn or slay you as a "random stray bullet" hits you.
To be honest Slayerduck has a point. Everytime a gunfight breaks out in bazaar, People just look at what's happening. Here's what I keep hearing most on their mics:

"THAT GUY HAS A SPAS 12 *insert laughing sound here*"

Seriously, If dead people make you laugh, Then that means that something's wrong with you. P.S I'm not insulting anyone, I'm just saying my opinion as this is what I actually see.
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Everytime I kill someone people jump in front of my face as I'm trying to leave the scene asking me "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT" as a bunch of randoms minge-grab his gun. Kinda annoying, think 2.1 should be enforced a little more.
If you REALLY want to watch a shootout, get a pair of binoculars from the gun store.

They're only like 1k and they'll save you making an arse of yourself and obstructing armed and stressed cops.
I do think the staff should be more aggressive on this matter. Another thing, why didn't anyone have a perimiter set up?

I also get triggered by people who pull up to a perimeter in a car seeing lots of cuffed suspects and shots going off, they refuse to leave when you ask them to and then they make a complaint because you detain them, like literally, don't you have to be stupid somewhere else?
Another thing, why didn't anyone have a perimiter set up?

Cops were a tad busy with getting shot at. Besides that does not justify the bystanders' behaviour. It was pretty clear they were in danger.
There is nothing stopping you from detaining people for their own safety and moving them to a more secure location however if they persist you could always threaten to ticket them for obstructing the course of justice or interfering in police affairs.

Works almost every time for me.
I moved some people away for standing around in a slums shootout even though they heard multiple shots and saw a dead TFO, they were pretty angry about me moving them away :(

Please don't try to pull a MrAaron by stealing guns mid/after shootout. People like this trigger me so I might just respawn or slay you as a "random stray bullet" hits you.
i'm not a staff member so i really don't have a say on this, but i think people need to be punished for it because people keep doing this. like every shootout. and then they complain at IA since they got shot while unarmed. Usually its also the same people who say the server is dying and Roleplay is dead.
It absolutely breaks a huge part of the roleplay for me. I think that everybody should read this post through so that they learn.
Punishments are already being handed out by staff for people showing up at shootouts and spectating.
Slaying, warnings and bans included.

It's just sad to see that people would rather sit on the sideline with a chance of getting shot in the head, and complain about it to IA or in an AR.
It literally makes no sense.
Any person who sits on the sideline and acts like this is at an absolute loss of brain cells.

If a shootout was to occur in my area, or right on top of me. Instead of driving away in my mini, I'd abandon it there and run on foot considering I'm more maneuverable than a vehicle, I can also take temporary cover instead of sitting in a car, static.

Not to mention that plenty of times I've cuffed suspects who then started complaining to me and yelling "why did you restrain me?" while walking in front of my gun. It tilts me to no end, it honestly makes me want to shoot them in the head. (Obviously I can't, I'd receive a whooping from IA)

In one situation I restrained two suspicious people at the slums gas station, they both were lingering around the scenes recklessly driving, I was later holding a window in my sight in order to provide cover for the paramedics and officers holding the perimeter. The two suspects behind me started complaining and walking around like I explained.
At one moment a suspect inside slums with a gat turns up at the window shooting at my fellow officers, and I could do nothing because both of these people were standing right in front of me.

At times I wonder if people completely forget this isn't CSGO instead of a roleplay cops & robbers server.

Stop being this kind of person, if you are one or have done this in the past.
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