Double J's Enforcer Application

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STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:53480272

AGE: 15

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE AN ENFORCER?: Before I start, I know I have been a helper for little over a week today, however, an applicant recently got Enforcer after being a helper only for 1 week. By the next meeting, I will have been a helper for around 2-3 weeks, depending on when the next meeting is.

Recently, after becoming a helper, I have taken a great interest in actually joining the staff team with how it is. I have been interacting with the community quite a lot recently. As of the time of writing this, I am suffering from what seems to be corona (Not confirmed as of yet) and feel my spare time could better be spent helping the server after finishing what school work I have set.

I have been demonstrating my rule knowledge to other users and in sits that I have watched over. As of recently, I have dealt with around 10+ Help and support requests, most of the ones have been "I am stuck" to which I am unable to do anything with my current powers. I feel my experience could very well prove an asset to the staff team.
I am able to determine when someone is generally breaking rules for the sake of it, or just having a joke around with friends. Which I think is something that would help players not feel that they are constricted to not have fun with friends.

Now, of course, some of you will most likely pick up on this, to what I said: "I am not someone who will apply for helper and within a couple of months go for enforcer. I wish to stay within the helper role until I feel I am fully ready for the role of Enforcer" however, as of recently, I feel I am more so better suited in a higher role, to which I can perform my role with my tools to my disposal to where I can show more expertise.

I understand not everyone has positive views of me, which sort of came around since I first joined the community, but have worked on improving that, and so far, haven't received any negative feedback for my work as a helper.

I am active in the community in all areas, the forums, server and TeamSpeak, and have been doing work for the PD as a Patrol Lieutenant since the 12th of march, which shows my dedication.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: If anyone is interested, here's the link to my Helper application:
If anyone has any questions you wish to ask me in terms of this application or my time as a helper, feel free to ask. I welcome all feedback, whether it is positive or negative.


In order for your application to be considered, you must meet the following three requirements:

  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week.
  • No recent in-game bans and warnings on record.
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can enforce them.
  • You must have access to and use a microphone. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server.
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Birmingham, United Kingdom
I think my view is probably similar to everyone elses, hence the large amount of neutral and negative reactions to this

Like you said, youve only been helper for a week, I don't know if you're ready personally. I've seen you a few times in-game with your helper perms and I personally don't know if youre ready for enforcer.
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Thank you for your reply!
Could you possibly expand on what you mean exactly when you say:
I've seen you a few times in-game with your helper perms and I personally don't know if youre ready for enforcer.
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@CensoredExe When you say minor, Players who are minging around I.E Punching people randomly etc, I try to tell them to stop VIA Looc, if they continue, I take them to the side, Things like players running the red light at intersection, although maybe minor, players do get warned for, and people know it's not allowed, even when they see me or staff there.
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United Kingdom
Personally I don't feel you're ready. You make mistakes quite frequently in my opinion and I don't believe you have a good understanding of the rules.

One thing that happened around 2 days ago, You wanted to raid a slums apartment but cops were there talking to them while they were also outside the property. You said to us lets just shoot the cops and then gunpoint the civilians. This is a rather basic violation of 3.4 as you need to wait til the officers leave the scene to delay/remove their response. I'd expect this to be known from a player with 1-2 weeks playtime, nevermind a candidate for a staffing role.

Another thing you seem to do is use your physgun quite a lot especially when It's not even needed or even mid rp. One example was today there was a car under my car and was easily sorted within RP which was happening but instead you decided to just physgun my vehicle and lift it in the air when it could of just been sorted within RP.
There's been other situations when you just use your physgun when it's really just not needed and sometimes does ruin the rp.

You're a figure that doesn't necessarily command respect, which is intensified to a much greater extent in people who have known you for significant time. This is a quality that is an absolute necessity on a fundamental level for a staff member, immediately making you unfit.

Overall I just feel that you're not fit for Enforcer and need to have a lot more experience before given extra power/permissions.
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Thank you for your reply.

I'll go ahead and answer some of these "questions" you have implied here:
You wanted to raid a slums apartment but cops were there talking to them while they were also outside the property. You said to us lets just shoot the cops and then gunpoint the civilians.
If I am correct, there were about 4 of us there, 2 cops, 2 civs, All 4 of us could have easily gun pointed them and got the "raid" over quicker. Maybe I was jumping the gun here, and to be fair, realised what I had said sometime afterwards and sort of hated myself for saying it.

Another thing you seem to do is use your Phys gun quite a lot especially when It's not even needed or even mid RP. One example was today there was a car under my car and was easily sorted within RP which was happening but instead you decided to just Phys gun my vehicle and lift it in the air when it could have just been sorted within RP.
This situation wouldn't have occurred if you and firuz had not rammed your car and other cars, Which is against 3.15. Not to mention, you decided to reverse your car over the top of his, further adding to the situation. I felt as though yours and firuzs' car would have merged and fused together, causing them both to tier 1/2.

Hope this has cleared some things up.
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Hello All,
I have gone ahead and made the decision to close the application. I feel as though I have jumped the gun to an extent where I am not ready, as commented by a few individuals.
I thank you all for the feedback and shall improve on what you have said. If you wanted to leave feedback, feel free to message me through a forum PM.
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